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Requirements for MS degree

On average, it takes two to three years to complete MS program. A student must complete the following requirements to earn the MS degree

A. Complete 24 credits of course work in Mathematics and related disciplines.

A student needs to complete at least 24 credits of course work in Mathematics and related disciplines with a 3.0 GPA.

B. Pass Basic Qualifying Examination within the first year.

This exam will be given every January and July at the introduction level of analysis or algebra. A first-year graduate student needs to pass the exam within the first year to continue in the MS program. The student who passes the exams is able to join a research group and choose a thesis advisor.

C. Pass General Qualifying Examination

A student who completes the coursework can take the general qualifying examination. A candidate selects three subjects among the intermediate courses with consent of his or her advisor.

D. Write Thesis and pass Oral Examination

Only a student who (1) registers at least 4 semesters, (2) completes 24 credits with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA, and (3) passes the General Qualifying Examination can submit the thesis and take the oral examinations. The oral exam consists of preliminary oral exam and final oral exam.