미래가치를 창출하는 글로컬 산학일체 혁신대학
We automatically consider all applicants for financial aid. There are two primary sources of financial support for our graduate students; one is from the Graduate College and the other is from the Department.
Outstanding students may receive full/part tuition waivers at their first semester based on English or Korean Language Test scores such as TOEFL, TEPS, IELTS and TOPIK. It is required to maintain satisfactory academic progress for the continuation of the tuition-waiver scholarship.
Our department is pleased to offer a few first-year students Graduate Assistantships under academic record and performance. Students who received Graduate Assistantships may be assigned teaching and/or research assistant duty by the department. This assistantship is renewable based on academic progress and the result of the Basic Qualifying Examination. The monthly stipend is about 720,000(40%) – 900,000(50%) won per month depending on the assigned workload, typically 40% – 50%. But this stipend is not definitive but variable under the situation and it may be changed monthly.
Our department informs you that you are responsible for preparing the financial guarantee and visa passport required for admission. Therefore, you should make all arrangements for financial guarantees yourself. However, after admission, various financial support programs are related to academic performance and English language proficiency.