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About the Lab

In recent years, the virtual reality market has undergone dramatic development, centered on digital twin, gaming, and entertainment. Augmented reality is also seeing wider applications with the development of artificial intelligence. FAKE Lab is mainly researching VR, AR, computer-generated imagery (CGI), and games based on game engine technology, and is working on the task of creating related content.

Advisor: Jung Lee


  • Motion Generation and Analyzing the User’s Arm Muscles via Leap Motion and Its Data-Driven Representations
  • Isoline Tracking in Particle Based Fluids Using Level-Set Learning
  • Efficient Dataset Collection for Concrete Crack Detection with Spatial-Adaptive Data Augmentation
  • Efficient Propagation and Remapping of Sound through a Geometric Approach in Virtual Environments and Terrains
  • Efficient and Stable Generation of High-Resolution Hair and Fur with ConvNet Using Adaptive Strand Geometry Images
  • Optimal Path Control of a Patient for Rapid Infection Testing
  • Geometry image super-resolution with AnisoCBConvNet architecture for efficient cloth modeling
  • Controllable Swarm Animation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Rule-Based Action Generator
  • Visual Simulation of Turbulent Foams by Incorporating the Angular Momentum of Foam Particles into the Projective Framework
  • Stable and Anisotropic Freezing Framework with Interaction between IISPH Fluids and Ice Particles
  • Draft Layout Generation of Building Drawings on Real Urban Scenes with Boundary Particle Method and Priority Solver
  • Accelerated Smoke Simulation by Super-Resolution with Deep Learning on Downscaled and Binarized Space
  • Particle-Based Dynamic Water Drops with High Surface Tension in Real-Time

Research Achievements

  • Development of plasma dynamic characterization and analysis technology for nuclear fusion digital twins (National Research Foundation of Korea)
  • Implementation of an AI-based VR forest environment (VERAH) and verification of the clinical effectiveness of a forest therapy programs with a guide (Korea Forest Service)