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Campus News

게시물 검색
Credit Exchange System
  • 조회수431
  • Credit Exchange SystemBy Ku Reum Cub Reporter, Sophomore of JapaneseMost students can take the classes that they want to take in college. However, they usually cannot take classes that are not offered at their universities. To remove this limit, Daejeon universities have made the Credit Exchange System. The Credit Exchange System is a program that lets students apply to take classes that are not offered at their school but at other universities that do offer them.Students who have taken more than 15 credits in the previous semester, and have not been disciplined can apply. An academic warning is not considered a disciplinary action. About a month before the new term, look for a notice on the Hanbat homepage. There will be a list of classes offered as part of the exchange system. Choose the class you want to take, and then submit your transcript and application to your major department office. You can take within your maximum available credits in the regular semester and up to six credits in the summer or winter sessions. You must register for the class on the day of enrollment by visiting the webpage of the other university. If you wish to cancel the class, you should return to your department office and submit an application for cancellation.The credit exchange system offers students the advantage of being able to expand what they are able to learn. It can also develop your academic and social network. You might even find a course that helps you rethink your future.
  • 등록일2021-01-16 14:35:41
Open Place of Education, Lifelong Education Center
  • 조회수362
  • Open Place of Education, Lifelong Education CenterBy Lee Woo-Seong Reporter Senior of Mechanical engineeringA lifelong education means keeping a focus on learning from infancy through to old age. In other words, education should be conducted throughout life in homes, schools, and across society. Especially in today's rapidly changing world, the importance of lifelong education is becoming increasingly emphasized because modern life requires more varied skills. With the development of medical technology and the improvement of living conditions, people are living longer than before, and have a greater number of retirement years. So, many people are looking for educational institutions where they can continue to learn. For these people, HBNU has the Lifelong Education Center located in S5. The Lifelong Education center offers a wide range of liberal arts classes, including health, economics, literature, art, photography, philosophy, cooking, language, and music.Also, the institute operates professional qualification courses for art psychology counselors, coffee baristas, recreation guides, horticultural psychology counselors, and movie appreciation commentators. Below is an interview with Park Young-sik, who is taking a Mencius class.Q. How did you apply for the Lifelong Education Center class?I've been living a boring life since my retirement. So, while I was looking for an educational institution for people like me in Daejeon, an acquaintance recommended the lifelong education center at HBNU.Q. You are taking a Mencius class. Is there a reason you applied for this class?I usually like reading books. I was thinking that I wanted to learn about the blind or the Analects. I happened to see the Mencius class at the lifelong education center, so I applied.Q. Do you have anything to say to those who are considering taking classes at the Lifelong Education Center?I am learning many things by taking classes here every week. I'm proud that I spend my free time more rewardingly after taking the class. For those people who are thinking about what to do in their free time, I highly recommend you take this course because there are so many good classes here.
  • 등록일2021-01-16 14:35:17
LINC+ Enterprise Organization Public Equipment Support Center
  • 조회수394
  • LINC+ Enterprise Organization Public Equipment Support CenterBy Lee Woo-Seong Reporter Senior of Mechanical engineeringHave you heard about the Public Equipment Support Center? Maybe it is an unfamiliar institution to students. The Public Equipment Support Center provides services to businesses in need by allowing them to use expensive equipment at a low cost.5 Axis MachineCNC Turning Center3D Coordinate Measuring Machine3D ScannerWhatWhat kind of equipment does the Public Equipment Support Center have?In addition to the four machines shown above, there is other experimental equipment, such as microscopes, a wear testing system, and a mounting press. These machines would be just too expensive for individuals or small businesses to purchase on their own.How can I rent equipment?Operation requestcalculation of user feeexecution of request operationdeliverysettlement.The Public Equipment Center has made excellent equipment infrastructure through industry-academic cooperation projects, including its public laboratory, LINK+ project, RIC, and government research institutes. If you need to use specialized equipment that is otherwise too expensive for you to purchase, try using the equipment infrastructure provided by HBNU. It is a good way to reduce the burden of having to purchase high-priced equipment and companies can use it as an opportunity to develop their technology capabilities.
  • 등록일2021-01-16 14:34:46
HBNU Library e-Resource
  • 조회수21
  • HBNU Library e-ResourceBy Lee Seo-jin Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Material Science and EngineeringThe Hanbat National University Library has various electronic data systems as well as general book materials. Lets find out about the HBNU Library e-Resource, which can be used by students and the general public.Domestic Academic DBThe domestic academic database includes DBpia, KISS, Kisvalue, KS, KSDC, SCHOLAR, and Kisti. In each database, you can find academic papers, journals, statistical data, standard information, research data, and open access journal data in the fields of science and technology.Foreign Academic DBThe foreign academic database has 21 databases including ACS journal, AVON, and the DeGruyter e-journal HSS Collection. In addition, there are 12 databases provided by Riss, which can be used after a personal login. You can use information from various fields and countries in the foreign academic database.e-learningE-learning includes Educe, Eduwill civil servants/certificate courses, KISA National Technical Qualifications. It provides various courses and documents for getting a job, obtaining certifications, and lectures for preparing to become a public official.e-booke-book provides DBs, such as E-Book, AUDIO BOOK SERVICE and EBSCO eBook. E-Book is available on PCs, tablets, and smartphones and uses systems provided by Kyobo Bookstore and Woongjin OPMS. You can borrow up to five books for 10 days. If you use a smartphone or tablet, you can use the Kyobo Library app after downloading it from the Play Store or App Store.Other DBsMoazine: You can check out some 200 of the latest magazines in Korea at once. It is available on both PC and mobile and you can have unlimited use.Book Cosmos: Book Cosmos offers book summary services and various content. The summary is about 10 sheets of A4 paper, and you can download it by choosing a Word, .HWP file, or .pdf file.You can use e-resource on the HBNU library website (https://lib.hanbat.ac.kr) after login. The website includes the usage of each database, the contents of the database, and the instructions for use. If you refer to this, you can use it easily. The use of electronic data can save time and money. In addition, you can wisely use resources at home in situations where you cannot directly visit the library, for example these days, due to Covid-19. This is an excellent resource for all students to continue learning from home.
  • 등록일2021-01-16 14:34:04
Unforgettable Experiences with Global Short-Term Training  이미지
Unforgettable Experiences with Global Short-Term Training
  • 조회수737
  • Unforgettable Experiences with Global Short-Term TrainingHBNU hosts several programs for its students during the vacation. In the second semester of 2019, the International Exchange Center conducted a short-term winter vacation training program called Hope Promotion Training, a training program for global connector training, and a training program for strengthening global job competency. Program participants are selected after the first round of document screening and the second round of interview screening. Selected students are given scholarships and the opportunity to participate in the program. For more information, please refer to the announcement on the HBNU website every semester. Now, let's take a look at two students experiences in the actual program.Training Manual for Strengthening Global Employment CompetencyBy Park Hyeon-su Chief Editor, senior of English Language and LiteratureA year before graduation, I thought, "Is there a way to spend my vacation more meaningfully?" As a result, I went to a training course to strengthen my global job competency conducted by the International Exchange Center last winter vacation. Unlike other language courses, it was a training program aimed at getting a job abroad, and the best thing was that I could learn English and prepare for a job abroad at the same time. I thought living abroad this time would be more than just a vacation, so it was important what programs there were and where the university was. I was glad to participate in the English overseas job training conducted by the International Exchange Center because both the university and the region were good choices for me.I went to Wolverhampton University in England for a month from January 4 to February 1 for language training. This was the schedule of Telford Campus at Wolverhampton University. I had language classes in the morning, job preparation classes in the afternoon, and quiz time in the evening to enjoy learning the language. During the classes, I participated in various activities such as discussion, presentation, team activities, and diction alternately from 3 professors. Every Wednesday and Friday afternoon, I went on a field trip near Telford, including London, Birmingham, and Cambridge. It was valuable to visit other parts of England to learn about the broader culture of England, see and experience it.One of the most memorable English language training events was when I visited Range Rover and the company Jaguar. It was really impressive to me that I was able to explore the actual smart factory site, which I had only seen through hands-on equipment and videos while majoring in industrial management. It was a great experience for me to see with my own eyes how the British conglomerate's automobile manufacturing plant works and what it looks like inside.After the English language training, I gained confidence when I spoke English with foreigners and learned about various cultures within England. I'm going to use my overseas resume and the self-introduction that I learned from my British professor to help me get a job abroad. It was an unforgettable experience to live in England for a month, where I could make a lot of memories with interesting people and prepare for overseas employment. Through language training, I built the driving force for me to do my best every day in my remaining college life.Connector Training ReviewBy Lee Woo-Seong Reporter Senior of Mechanical engineeringI participated in the Global Connector Program organized by the Office of International Affairs during this past winter vacation. I applied for this program because I thought going to a university in Las Vegas, Nevada was a great advantage. Through this program, I wanted to experience not only studying English, but also learn what kind of country America is and to learn more about American culture. As a result, I was lucky to enter the program and I left for the United States on January 19th.When I arrived in America, the hardest thing was to adapt to the time difference, not the culture, food, or language. On the first day I arrived at the hotel, I cleaned up and went to sleep. The schedule began on the second day. That morning, I took the bus provided by the school and had a city tour in the evening. The official class schedule started on the third day and I took a month of classes at the University of Nevada. We had a simple level test before the first class, and according to the result of this test, students were divided into upper, middle, and lower classes. I took English classes for 2 hours and major classes for 3 hours from Monday to Thursday. In the major class Liberal Arts and Social Science students take business classes, while science and engineering students take computer programming classes. During the English class, we wrote answers to questions on different topics every week and discussed them in English with our group of classmates. During the afternoon major class, I learned the C and Arduino program languages. These classes were very useful because the ability to use computer language programs is becoming increasingly important. Every Friday, I went out of school and participated in the field trip program. I visited the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and had a wonderful experience of seeing America with my own eyes. Also, I watched a college baseball game and visited a company near the university.However, I was disappointed that only two non-Korean students participated in the program. I wanted to meet many foreign friends through this program and have a meaningful cultural exchange. So, during lunchtime, I went around the university to meet new American friends. Although my English was not good, I tried hard to approach local students. As a result, I joined a club. Every Friday evening I had club activities and met many friends there.Also, I participated in a sports program for students of the university and had fun experiences there.The best thing about this program was to meet and talk with people of various nationalities and learn a bit about their culture. This interaction helped my thoughts mature. Before I returned to Korea, after the program, I traveled to San Francisco and met many local people there and had a good experience.I hope many students apply for this program in the future. I think the program will help improve their English skills so they can enjoy more cultural experiences when traveling or living abroad.Through this program, it would be good for students to go abroad to see a lot of things and have a range of experiences. I also hope this good program continues so that many students can participate just as I have and they will gain motivation to grow and study English steadily.
  • 등록일2020-10-05 15:11:36
COVID-19 Outbreak: What Changed 이미지
COVID-19 Outbreak: What Changed
  • 조회수720
  • COVID-19 Outbreak: What ChangedBy Jeong Hyo-bin Cub Reporter, Junior of Chemical and Biological EngineeringSince the start of 2020, the whole world has been confused by COVID-19. It is the same in HBNU. We want to look back to consider, what is COVID-19 and how has it changed us?Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19)COVID-19 is a respiratory infectious disease that first broke out in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has since spread around the world. Early on, it was a respiratory epidemic whose cause was unknown. On January 9, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed COVID-19 was the cause of the pneumonia that was spreading and that it was a new type of COVID-19 (named SARS-CoV-2, February 11, 2020).COVID-19 transmits when an infected persons saliva spray makes direct contact with the mucous membrane of another, via eyes, nose, or mouth. When someone is infected with the virus, there is an incubation period of 2 to 14 days and they will show signs of fever, tiredness, and a dry cough, but there have been rare examples of asymptomatic infection. As of this writing (March2020), vaccines and treatment protocols have not yet been developed to treat COVID-19, but we have been advised that the spread can be prevented by wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and keeping social distance.A Worldwide SituationInitially, COVID-19 originated in Asia, then started to spread to the whole world. The WHO declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on January 30. As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases increased around the world, the WHO declared a pandemic on March 11. Among the WHOs stages of danger, a pandemic is the highest degree. COVID-19 is only the third modern pandemic, after the Hong Kong flu (1968) and Swine flu (2009). The Ministry of the Interior and Safety lists data of confirmed cases by each country. As of July 1, across 206 countries, there have been a total of 10,767,635 cases confirmed, with 519,347 deaths worldwide.Internal SituationAlthough the whole world is in a state of confusion because of COVID-19, because Korea is so near to China, lets look at how Korea has handled this situation. At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, Korea Centers for Disease Control t any exposure to the local community. However, they initiated quarantine protocols. Even though they took those steps, the number of confirmed cases in Korea increased to four at the end of January. The government raised the threat level of infectious disease contaminated areas from "Caution" to "Warning." The number of confirmed cases in Korea had remained around 30 until Feb 17, when they increased exponentially due to a mass infection at the Daegu Church in Shincheonji on February 18. The government raised the threat level from "Warning" to "Serious" and started toughening up the law as a way of confronting this highly infectious disease. As of July 3, 2020, 12,967 cases were confirmed within Korea and 282 people have died. Medical staff across the country are helping care for patients, and the whole nation is gathering donations to help. The response the government is taking to overcome COVID-19 is as follows.5-Day Rotation System for Mask PurchaseWith the increasing number of confirmed cases of COVID-19, it became difficult to buy face masks and they were suddenly expensive. The government declared that 80 percent of the produced masks would be sold as public masks to stabilize the supply and demand. The public masks are to be sold at low prices with direct intervention by the state. This policy, called the 5-Day Rotation System for Mask Purchase, was implemented on March 9, 2020. People could buy masks on appointed days based on the last number of their year of birth. The 5-Day Rotation System for mask purchase ended on June 1.Drive-through Testing StationsIn Korea, there have been Drive-through COVID-19 testing stations since February. They are screening clinics where health professionals can examine people, collect specimens, and disinfect cars. This can prevent the spread of COVID-19 to medical staff, speed examination times, and minimize contact. The drive-through testing stations were designed for a quick and safe inspection system. The inspection process takes about 10 minutes.HBNUs ResponseTo follow the government protocols, HBNU decided to delay, then suspend, face-to-face lectures. HBNU is also working to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The response the administration and faculty of HBNU is taking to overcome COVID-19 is as follows.Postpone Face-To-Face Lectures and Carry Out Non-Face-To-Face LecturesHBNU decided to prevent students and faculty from gathering in places where social distancing could not be done safely. So, they postponed face-to-face lectures and suggested non-face-to-face lectures. There are many ways of having non-face-to-face lectures, like taking video courses, real-time online lectures, quizzes, and submitting assignments.Video courses were hosted on the online site Cyberhanbat (cyber.hanbat.ac.kr). Students accessed the site to take their lectures. Attendance was to be accepted only if the lectures were taken within a set period of time. Assignments were submitted on the same site, also to be accepted within a set period of time. The real-time online lectures could be taken on mobile phones or PCs using ZOOM. In the case of quizzes, various methods were used, such as submitting answers by e-mail within 30 minutes, by displaying questions on the ZOOM screen within the time of the lectures and using quiz applications (such as Kahoot, Socrative, etc.) to enable responses in real-time. To make more rewarding non-face-to-face lectures, professors also explored various methods such as using Google classroom and YouTube.▲Scene using ZOOMPartially Opening the Library and Closing the Club BuildingTo preventspreading COVID-19, places where many people can meet introduced new safety measures. For example, the library is only partially open. Students can borrow and return books, but they cant study in the reference library. To study in the smart lounge, all students must wear a mask. The club building (N12) is closed and will only open when the situation stabilizes. In addition, the Art Hall (N1) was closed until March 31. The gym and fitness center (S7) are also closed.Prevention of Infectious Disease and DisinfectionOn March 3 and 4 the office spaces of the university headquarters, colleges, and affiliated facilities were disinfected. Dormitory disinfection was carried out in the second week of March, and the entire campus, including lecture rooms, was disinfected from March 25 to 27. In addition, daily disinfection has been carried out by cleaning the entrances from time to time.Coronavirus DonationsOn March 30, HBNU delivered 234 billion won in donations collected by university members to the to the university's Red Cross. The donation was led by the secretariat and the 36th student council, with about 600 autonomous participants, including students, professors, employees, and assistant teachers raising funds over two weeks, from March 11-25. On the same day, Choi Byung-wook, the president of HBNU, said, Our university is a regional centered national university that has grown with the region, and we will help to share the difficulties of the community and overcome them."To share the difficulties of the community together and overcome them, it is necessary to always think about the healthy and safety of our friends and family. We cannot be so selfish as to think, I can go outside to dance and drink because I will not get coronavirus." We sincerely hope that the end of Covid-19 will be achieved by carrying out social distance for each other.
  • 등록일2020-10-05 15:01:48
Don’t You Want to Enter HBNU? 이미지
Don’t You Want to Enter HBNU?
  • 조회수538
  • Dont You Want to Enter HBNU?By Ku Reum Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Japanese DepartmentYou want to enter HBNU, but you dont know where to get information. Dont worry. You can get a lot of information by participating in the WAYO Program at HBNU. The WAYO Program was designed to help high school students find their departments and future careers. This includes a WAYO University Tour and the WAYO Counseling Center. First, lets find out what kind of program the WAYO University Tour is.WAYO University TourThe WAYO University Tour is a program that provides experience of various departments to high school students. It offers an opportunity for students to choose their departments and future careers. The tour includes an exhibition-type or a visit a department-type. The exhibition-type is a way for high school students to go around to booths of departments or clubs to experience them. On the other hand, the visit a department-type is a way that they can visit the department in-person and experience the department directly. The method changes depending on the universitys situation. Park Jeong-ho, the head of the admissions office, said, HBNU will continue to offer university experience opportunities for high school students.WAYO Counseling CenterThe WAYO Counseling Center is a program that provides one-on-one counseling to high school students, parents, and teachers for the university entrance examination. There are four ways to consult.Visiting counseling(reservation required)Telephone counselingHomepagecounselingKakao TalkcounselingFixed number: fiveTime: from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays(Excludes 12~13 p.m.)Location: HBNUS0 building, room 512042-821-1020042-821-1019Time: from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays(Excludes 12~13 p.m.)Admission Guide of HBNU homepage(Use Q entrance examinations. Many other universities were running a counseling center. If HBNU ran a counseling center, I thought it would be helpful for them to enter our university.Q. What is the question that students ask the most?In general, the question that is most frequently asked is about the minimum score to pass. Also, they ask about the various types of admission as they apply to a department. Besides, they ask questions about qualifications required to apply. Requirement qualifications include meritorious-type, the local talented-type, and lifetime learner-type.Q. Which method do students usually use to get counseling?Students usually use homepage counseling and telephone counseling. We expect to increase the number of students receiving counseling in the future because we have connected the WAYO Counseling Center and KAKAO PLUS, as the homepage has recently been reorganized.Q. Which department do students request most?Students usually ask a lot of questions about HBNU as an engineering university. The number of counseling sessions about departments such as Chemical and Biological Engineering, Industrial Management Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering is increasing compared to the past.Q. Please talk to the students who will use the WAYO Counseling Center.If you need counseling about the entrance examination, dont be too worried. I will kindly respond to you whenever you come to consult. Also, the HBNU admissions office runs a YouTube channel, so please watch it through the link on the homepage.HBNU is helping students take the university entrance examination by running the WAYO Program. Through this, I hope that students who want to enter HBNU will get a lot of information about the entrance examination.
  • 등록일2020-10-05 15:00:40
How the University Brand Design of HBNU was Launched 이미지
How the University Brand Design of HBNU was Launched
  • 조회수267
  • How the University Brand Design of HBNU was LaunchedBy Ku Reum Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Japanese DepartmentFor the past five months, HBNU has developed our unique brand design to realize a sustainable university. HBNU made its products and released them on February 26th. Various products are available, such as T-shirts, eco bags, umbrellas, pens, hats, and mugs, and all are on display in HBNU S0 building, room 101. The University Brand Design was developed by professor No Hwang-woo, the University Brand Management Committee, and three students of the Visual Design department. Lets look at how the University Brand Design was launched in our interview.No Hwang-woo, Professor of Visual DesignQ. Why did you develop the University Brand Design?The National University Development Project, which was prepared by the government to strengthen the competitiveness of national universities, was the trigger. The goal was to increase the brand value of HBNU. This project was developed to globalize the English abbreviation HBNU of Hanbat National University.Q. Did you have difficulty while developing the University Brand Design?There was a problem that branded products made by other universities were not used in everyday life. It was difficult to make products that can be used in everyday life while promoting HBNU.Q. What are the best University Brand products?I am satisfied with the products that use H which symbolizes HBNU. They are simple and valuable as a brand product. Also, the products featuring the HBNU design with a heart includes a desire to show love for HBNU and its wonderful people.Q. Please say something to the people who will use these products.Please use our university products first. You will enjoy their good design and quality. Then, when you like it, you will want to give them as gifts to others.Kim Hui-Gyeong, Baek Su-jeong, Jo Gyeong-ju, Graduates of Visual DesignQ. Why did you participate in the development of the University Brand Design?(Kim, Baek) We thought it was a good opportunity to develop the University Brand Design that represents the HBNU.(Jo) I was curious about the process of developing the design with many people and wanted to experience it.Q. When did you feel proud while developing the University Brand Design?(Kim) I was amazed and proud when the products that I made with my team members were launched.(Baek) The professor sent me the products, so I am keeping them. If HBNU students wear the T-shirts we made, I will be proud.Q. On the other hand, did you have any difficulty?(Jo) I was frustrated when I could not think of a good idea because I had to develop a variety of products within a set period. Fortunately, the professor provided various references and gave me advice. Also, I was able to make valuable results by making an effort with my team members.Q. What did you think after you developed the University Brand Design?(Kim) It was an opportunity to observe the university leisurely while developing the University Brand Design. As I looked around the university with interest, I became more attached to the university. I was grateful to spend a meaningful time working with the professor and team members in a good place.(Baek) I felt rewarded and delighted to see the results that I made with my team members and the professor who helped us a lot.(Jo) Developing the University Brand Design was a new experience. It was awkward at first, but everyone worked hard to produce good results.Q. Please say something to the people who will use the products.(Everyone) The University Brand Design has been launched for the first time. If there is anything that needs to be improved after using these products, please give us feedback.We will be proud if you use a lot of products to activate the University Brand. Please show a lot of interest.
  • 등록일2020-10-05 14:58:18
Renewed HBNU Homepage 이미지
Renewed HBNU Homepage
  • 조회수275
  • Renewed HBNU HomepageBy Park Ji-hyeon Cub Reporter, senior of English Language and LiteratureBy Jo Tae-yeon Cub Reporter, Junior of EconomicsThe HBNU homepage was renewed in celebration of the year 2020. Lets find out about some of the major improvements that were made.1. President, I need to talkStudents can communicate directly to the president. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions about the campus, curriculum, or the HBNU community, now you have a chance to take them to the president. You can click on the President, I need to talk link in HI HANBAT.2. Reservations for using the campus facilitiesHBNU campus facilities include the gym, tennis courts, soccer fields, an art hall, etc. Students and the local community can easily reserve campus facilities from the homepage, and can find hours of use, fees, location, etc. Reservations to use the campus facilities can be made by clicking on the Ministry of Culture link in HI HANBAT.3. Notice and schedulesNotices and schedule information for students are now separated. You can check general notices for information such as school events, different cultural programs, etc, on the notice board. Or, you can check for information about lectures and subjects in the schedule notice board. Check for announcements by clicking on Hanbat Live at the top of the page.4. Internet certificate issueIf you need a certificate of registration, a transcript, or any form of certificate, you can click on the Internet Certificate Issue link. It operates 24 hours a day.5. HANBAT, the manualHANBAT, the manual is an HBNU video that offers guidance about the campus and facilities that will help students to better enjoy their campus life. It helps students get the information they need easily and quickly.-HBNU Shuttle Bus (School Bus)On this page you can learn about the time and route of the HBNU shuttle buses and rental buses.-Student ID, must-have item for college studentsOn this page you can learn how to be issued a student ID that proves you are an HBNU student. Also, it explains how to be issued financial functional student cards and international student cards, and how they can be used.-Clubs, the flowers of college lifeThis page explains the location of various clubs and introduces each club name and activity corresponding to the field of performance, service, exhibition, culture, religion, and sport.-Heartbeat! Course registration, ScholarshipLearn how to sign up for classes and various scholarships that university students should never miss.-Enrollment/ leave of absence from school and return to school/Multiple MajorOn this page you can find out how to pay tuition fees, understand the guidelines related to leave of absence from and return to school, guidance on changing majors, multiple majors, and how to apply to each.-Library usage tipsThis page explains how to use the library, such as operating hours, reading room information, book lending/returns, and study room information, which you will often use during school life.In addition, there is information on the use of the dormitory, which is a space where students live. There is also information about the use of convenience facilities, such as restaurants, the bookstore, post office, and bank. Lets get information at a glance with the newly added HANBAT, the manualThe renewed homepage has added various content as discussed above. In addition, you can apply for scholarship counseling, career counseling, and personal counseling through this website. Also, you can check out the graduation credits, required subjects, and HBNU units on the website. The renewed website will help you find information easily, so explore our renewed HBNU website.
  • 등록일2020-10-05 14:49:39