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Campus News

게시물 검색
Daejeon Local Currency, Ontongdaejeon
  • 조회수403
  • Daejeon Local Currency, OntongdaejeonBy Kim Do-eun Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Public PolicyYou have probably experienced feeling happy when you get a little discount when you are buying something. There is a way to both feel the joys of such frugal consumption, and also improve the local economy. It is to use Ontongdaejeon. This is a card-type local currency that can only be used in Daejeon, and is issued by the Daejeon government to boost the local economy by increasing sales for small business and self-employed people. Lets find out more about this.1.BenefitsThe first is a cashback point system of up to 10 percent of the payment amount. It should be noted that the payment limit for cashback is 500,000 won per month and can change, depending on the budget situation.The second is a free subscription to Ontong protective safety insurance. This is an insurance policy that can be covered for traffic accidents, disability benefits, surgery expenses for people with certain diseases, compensation for violent crimes, and death insurance for certain infectious diseases.2.Where to useYou can pay in the same way as a credit card at any store in Daejeon that uses IC card terminals. However, it excludes large department stores, entertainment and gambling establishments, and online payments. It can be used in convenience facilities in HBNU as well as in stores around the university. You can also search for affiliated stores with the Ontongdaejeon app.3.How to apply for a cardThere are two ways to apply for a card. One is to apply through the Ontongdaejeon app, and the other is to visit Hana Bank. If you apply through the app, it will take two to three days to receive the card, but in the case of a visit application, it can be issued immediately on site. However, if you already have the other Daejeon local currency, Daedeok e-roum, you cannot apply for the Ontongdaejeon card.In addition, as a user who has been using this card for almost a year, I would like to share some advice. First, I recommend searching for stores through the apps Find Affiliates function. I was able to use this card at most stores in Daejeon, but I was surprised because at Starbucks and Daiso, which are directly managed by the headquarters, I could pay but I could not receive cashback benefits.
  • 등록일2021-07-29 11:54:00
Volunteering, More Actively
  • 조회수417
  • Volunteering, More ActivelyBy Kim Myeong-gyu Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Chemical and Biological EngineeringVolunteering is an action that comes from ones own mind. Rather than your own interests, you want to help others who are having a hard time, without receiving payment.Why do people volunteer? Volunteering can make your life more prosperous. Volunteering allows people to socialize with other people. They can gain a strong bond that is hard to feel in other areas of life. By identifying the value and pride of ones existence, they can gain the rewards of life, utilize their abilities and talents, as well as improve them.To support these volunteer activities, HBNU has a Community Service Support Center. Located on the third floor of HBNU S2, it is a place that promotes community service programs, establishes and supports cooperation systems with volunteer organizations, certifies and manages college students community service activities, and promotes community service. Through the Community Service Support Center, students at HBNU can get volunteer information more easily. The following is an introduction of three useful services that can be used when entering the Community Service Support Center site.First is the recruitment and application of volunteers. At a glance, it is possible to understand the recruitment period, service time, place, and application method of volunteers registered in the Community Service Support Center.Second is the introduction of volunteer clubs. The introduction and status of the clubs actively volunteering at HBNU can be confirmed. You can also look around various clubs and choose one that suits you, so you can volunteer more actively.Third is a shortcut to the 1365 Volunteer Portal. The 1365 Volunteer Portal is a site that collects volunteer information from all over the country in one place and provides functions that allow users to search various volunteer information, as well as apply for and check performance.An important aspect of volunteering is having a positive outlook, and being willing to do things to help other people. Sometimes, there are volunteers who do not take into account the feelings of the people they are helping. As a volunteer, you must first respect and understand other peoples positions before starting work. Then you have to know what kind of volunteering you can do and what you want to do.It seems easy to live a life of helping and sharing with others, but it is difficult to practice this in real life. However, no one can live alone. We are always living in different relationships where we exchange help with each other. It is a volunteer activity to continue these relationships, so you should think of it as being like a hobby, a habit, or a lifestyle. Therefore, why dont you continue these relationships by volunteering through the HBNU Community Service Support Center?HBNU Community Service Support Center QR code
  • 등록일2021-07-29 11:53:32
Touch Your Heart With Care
  • 조회수413
  • Touch Your Heart With CareBy Lee Sun-min Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Department of Computer EngineeringTo you who is hard to live at timesTo you who want to give up everything,I really want to tell you.You will be great.Because, you are the only one.So I hope your night will be brilliantly beautiful.Good for you.Touch your heart with care _ author by Kim Ji-hoonWe all have got goals in life. We try to reach those goals, and then grow from the various experiences. These are the reasons why we also need time to heal ourselves. We can experiences that healing time in different ways, like taking a dessert, hanging out with friends, etc. But if you are a student at HBNU, there is another method that you can use. It is the Peer Counseling Program.Before introducing the program, let me explain what counseling is. Counseling is having the opportunity to talk about yourself. It takes a lot of courage to express the things you feel inside. It is usually easier to tell your story to someone you dont know; someone who you have met for the first time, rather than your friends or families. There are two reasons for this. First, expressing yourself can change your relationship with someone. Second, we cannot be in control of every single moment. Also, it is hard to find a counselor who will keep a secret, and will not be affected by relationships changes. The perfect counselor is hard to find in our normal surroundings.The Peer Counseling Program is a meeting with peer counselors. They are student counselors who take professional training and practice. The center of student counseling takes applications every year, then selects students for interviews. Research shows that the Collegiate peer group counseling can be helpful for many problems, like reducing stress, and improving adaptability to different school. The fact that so many universities are using this program means that we can trust it. HBNU is uploading a variety of topics, and dates of counseling on their website. You can apply for counseling on the website.If you are reading this article, you can ask yourself, do you need time to heal? How are you doing it? If you still wondering, or want to try a new challenge, you should try counseling with a Peer counselors
  • 등록일2021-07-29 11:53:01
To Students Who Want to Study Subjects Other Than Their Major
  • 조회수409
  • To Students Who Want to Study SubjectsOther Than Their MajorBy Choi Ha- ram Cub Reporter, Freshman of JapaneseWhen students at HBNU become sophomores, they can choose between major courses and Multi-major courses. Multi-majors are courses in which each student completes an additional major as well as their chosen major. HBNU has 6 kinds of Multi-major courses which you will be able to understand after reading this article.First, is the most commonly known Double Major. A Double Major is a major where students additionally complete a different subject major, other than their main department major. Double Majors can be recognized for individual degrees.Second, is the Linked Major. This is a major established by two or more departments. There are no classes currently underway, but they are planned to be held from the second semester, after receiving applications during this summer vacation.Third, is the Student Design Major. This is a major in which students combine and organize their own curriculum, and choose specific subjects that they would like to study.Fourth, is a Minor. This course consists of other subjects from other departments, including undergraduate departments, which are not officially recognised in a final degree. They are completed with a specified grade or higher. One of the big differences between a Minor and a Double Major is that, unlike being recognized as two main majors, a Minor is recognized as being part of the chosen Major.Fifth, is Major in Industry-Academic Relations. This course is organized to educate students in practical learning which can be used in a working environment. This could benefit students entering a workplace after graduation.Finally, a Convergence Major. Convergence Majors are courses designed to diversify employment opportunities. These courses include a tailored program where students and companies can correspond with one another.
  • 등록일2021-07-29 11:51:25
Campus Dream in HBNU 이미지
Campus Dream in HBNU
  • 조회수12
  • Campus Dream in HBNUBy Byeon Seo-young Cub Reporter, Junior of Industrial Management EngineeringWe often imagine campus dreams based on what we have learned through the media. Where can we actually realize such dreams? Lets look into the unique places of HBNU where your imagination can come true!Our famous Online Boyfriend Choi Joon, who is well known for sayings such as Huh...? Pretty. discusses musical interests such as the Cherry Blossom Ending of Busker Busker in the TV program Eardrum Mate. With his charming nasal sound, he expresses the excitement of the cherry blossom season. We are going to consider the best place to walk at HBNU while listening to this song.In front of building S10, there are cherry blossom trees that line the street. The sidewalk is spectacular during the blossom season and many students visit there at this time of year. Even if it is not the cherry blossom season, there are still many kinds of flowers that bloom there. Students at HBNU should take the opportunity to walk there listening to Cherry Blossom Ending.A love so beautiful which depicts the romance between the character Shin So-ri and her unrequited love, Cha Heon has a scene where Cha Heon and Shin So-ri become cover models while studying at a library. Everyone must have dreamed of a close couple studying together in a library. The place where you can realize this dream is on each floor of the HBNU library. This is a great place for people who like the smell of books and a quiet atmosphere. Of course, you have to study quietly in this place. However, eye contact is sometimes better than words.So lets study here.We can not remember our childhood dreams because we are too busy with our daily lives. The problems that need to be solved, lectures that need to be listened to, and quizzes that need to be answered, give us a headache. If you dont know how you can get rid of this stress, you should consider this article. It is important to work hard in life, but why dont you also think of your campus dream and enjoy the beautiful scenery at HBNU?
  • 등록일2021-07-29 11:47:58
Hanbat Companion Guide
  • 조회수11
  • Hanbat Companion GuideBy Bae So-young Cub Reporter, Freshman of English Language and LiteratureA few months have passed since the freshman enrolled, but they have not been able to enjoy the campus life that they expected, because of COVID-19. However, in this situation, there is a program that freshmen can adjust to at school. It is tutor-pupil companionship.The way to participate in tutor-pupil companionship is simple. You can just register at the Center for Teaching Learning homepage, or at the student council, at a fixed term, which is notified in advance. This program is based on a team composed of 1 professor, 1-2 seniors and 2-9 freshmen. Students who participate in this program can work with other students in the group. If groups dont want to make contact, it can be done online. But if they do want to make contact, students can do various things such as watching performances or dining together, all with financial support from the university. Activities should take place more than 3 times each semester, and more than 50 percent of students should participate in order to be certificated. Students should also record diaries. After an evaluation of their diaries, 3 units will be granted to the group members.O Chae-Yeong, a sophomore of English Language and Literature who participated in the Tutor-pupil companionship last year, mentioned the advantages of this program. Before participating in the companionship program, it was hard to satisfy any curiosities about school. But the companionship program allowed interaction with seniors, and it also provided a lot of help during the first year at HBNU.Tutor-Pupil companionship is the best program for getting information and advice from seniors and professors in this situation. When this kind of activity is vitalized, it can aid
  • 등록일2021-07-29 11:47:16
A New Door of Employment Has Opened 이미지
A New Door of Employment Has Opened
  • 조회수840
  • A New Door of Employment Has OpenedBy Yoon Ji-yeon Reporter, Sophomore of Electrical EngineeringPeople start thinking of their employment from the time they choose a university and major. However, the competition for employment has become intense, because everyone wants to get high wages and a stable job. Here is the good news for HBNU students who are tired of this competition. Mandatory Local Hiring by public institutions came into effect on May 27, 2020.aHere we explain what this system is and how you can prepare for it more effectively. Also, we will inform you about the companies that you can apply to and the supporting programs that our university is running.1. What is Mandatory Local Hiring by public institutions?This system prescribes that the public institutions that moved into the provinces must recruit a certain percentage of the locals. In the first year of its introduction, 18 percent of locals should be hired, and the ratio increases by 3 percent every year until they reach 30 percent. This system has already progressed in Innovation Cities, and the revision of the Innovative City Act let the system be instituted in Daejeon, too.2. Why has this system been implemented?This system started with the public institutions relocation to the provinces. Korea has grown rapidly around the capital area for the past 40 years, and the capital area is suffering from overcrowding, but the provinces were in a slump. A Local Development Policy was implemented for the development and financial independence of the provinces. One of the policies was the relocation of public institutions that were concentrated in the capital area. The government wants to promote the development of regional characterization and revitalize local economies. In this process, hiring locals in public institutions has also changed from a suggestion to a duty.This system has two main purposes. First, improving the quality of local research and educational institutions by increasing recruitment opportunities for local university graduates. Second, establishing a regional innovation framework by strengthening the Industry-Academic Relationship Cooperation System. As a result, over the next five years, Daejeons institutions will be actively looking for local people to hire.3. Who can benefit from this system?This system is based, not on where you are from or where you live, it is based on where you received your highest level of education. Imagine two high school friends from Daejeon that graduated together. One begins working, while his friend goes to university in another region. The highest level of education for the first friend is a high school in Daejeon. He is able to apply to the Mandatory Local Hiring by public institutions in Daejeon. However, when his friend graduates university in the other city, his highest level is based in that other city. He would not qualify in Daejeon, but he would qualify in the other city. If your highest level of education was earned in Daejeon, then you can benefit from this system.Plus, Daejeon agreed on the Broadening of Mandatory Local Hiring with Sejong, Chungcheongnam-do, and Chungcheongbuk-do in 2018. Through this agreement, a person who received his final educational background in Daejeon benefits from every public institution in the Chungcheong province. So, when you graduate from HBNU, you can benefit from 51 public institutions that include 17 institutions in Daejeon, three institutions in Chungcheongnam-do, 11 institutions in Chungcheongbuk-do, and 20 institutions in Sejong. You can get specific information on the Daejeon Metropolitan City Hall homepage by referring to the QR code on the right.4. Which companies are included in Chungcheong province?As previously stated, you can qualify to be hired as a local by a total of 51 companies in Chungcheong province after graduating from HBNU. Here are some of the companies that you might consider for your future career.Korea Midland Power (KOMIPO)KOMIPO supplies electric power by thermal power generation and renewable energy generation. Also, it operates power generation complexes in Indonesia and Sweden, contributing to the overseas power supply and economic development. KOMIPOs head office is located in Chungcheongnam-do, Boryeong.Korea Railroad Corporation (KORAIL)KORAIL is a public corporation that contributes to the development of the railway industry and the national economy by enhancing the expertise and efficiency of projects related to railway operation. It operates most of the railroads in Korea. KORAILs head office is located in Daejeon.Korea Minting, Security Printing s head office is located in Daejeon.In addition to the companies above, you can refer to the photo below for the complete list.5. How can we prepare for this system more effectively?HBNUs Job Headquarters makes an effort to provide useful information to students who want to find good jobs through this system. One of the efforts was an online job fair for public institutions in Chungcheong Province, which was held for two days, September 8 to 9.This online job fair was hosted by Hannam University in collaboration with Paichai University, Chungnam National University, and HBNU. Also, five of Chungcheong provinces public institutions, Korea Water Resources Corporation, KORAIL, KOMIPO, Korea National Railway, and Korea Minting, Security Printing s take advantage of this new chance and make our future better.
  • 등록일2021-01-16 14:40:42
Fourth Industrial Revolution 이미지
Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • 조회수447
  • Fourth Industrial RevolutionBy Jeong Hyo-bin Reporter, Junior of Chemical and Biological EngineeringThe Fourth Industrial Revolution fuses Information and Communication Technologies. Maybe, you feel far from the fusion of information and communication technologies, but we are already living in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We are living in a world where an artificial intelligence assistant in a smartphone can set an alarm and tell you your schedule for the day. We can control the lights, gas, boilers, etc. from outside the house and buy things with a gift card based on the block chain. As such, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is not in the distant future, it is in the present and near future. These are the technologies that are leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution:- Big Data Statistical AnalysisBig data statistical analysis is technology that extracts value from large amounts of data beyond the capabilities of existing database management tools and analyzes results. The features of this technology are creation, collection, analysis, and expression of various kinds of large data. Big data statistical analysis allows us to understand a diversified society more accurately and works efficiently to provide customized information for each individualized modern society member.Advertisements that appear in Instagram and Internet news are based on pages that users have visited. Many credit card companies are using big data of consumers behavioral patterns for marketing. A credit card company developed a benefit merchant application based on the big data behavior patterns of card users. The application finds patterns among similar consumers and provides customers with recommendations for restaurants and stores.- Artificial Intelligence, AIArtificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that realizes human learning ability, reasoning ability, and perception ability through computer programs. Artificial intelligence does not exist in itself, but directly or indirectly related to other areas of computer science.AlphaGo is a typical example of AI. It is an artificial intelligence baduk (Go) program. AlphaGo was designed to make the most favorable choice among options through algorithms, and in 2016, it won against professional baduk (Go) player Sedol Lee. Besides AlphaGo, many programs use artificial intelligence in real life, such as weather marketing programs that analyze sales volume by weather, senior care service, and programs that automatically calculate car repair costs.- 3D Printing3D printing is a manufacturing technology that produces three-dimensional objects by spraying continuous layers of material, it is also called additive manufacturing. Because 3D printers are controlled by computers, they are capable of delicate work and items can be created using a variety of materials.NASA is making full use of this technology, and in the event of a problem with the space station, parts or repair tools must be supplied quickly. At this time, parts and tools are made and used using 3D printing. In the field of culture, animations are produced and clothes that are shown at fashion shows are made on 3D printers.- Blockchain Security TechnologyBlockchain security technology is a distributed data storage technology that records transactions in accounts that anyone can access and copies and stores them on multiple computers. Since the transaction details are sent to all users participating in the transaction, and all participants in each transaction share information, data cannot be forged.Bitcoin is the representative example of a blockchain. Bitcoin is electronic money using a peer-to-peer network. This is a system that works like an organized group by allowing individuals to interact with different people. It is a revolutionary technology because it uses a blockchain so that data cannot be easily corrupted. In addition, local gift certificates based on blockchain are actually being made and used in Korea. A company on Jeju Island applies blockchain technology in a different way. It is tracking down all of the batteries they have made in their history. This will allow them to track the product process from inspecting waste batteries to classification and release.- DroneA drone is an unmanned aircraft that can be controlled by radio waves. It is equipped with cameras, sensors, and communication systems, and has a variety of weights and sizes ranging from 25 grams to 1,200 kilograms. Drones were first created for military purposes, but have recently expanded into commercial and personal use.They have been reborn as a low-cost hobby product, allowing individuals to purchase drones without any strain. Drones are used in various ways. Some use drones to spray agricultural chemicals or to replace rural labor. They can also be used to measure air quality by having sensors installed. At the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, there were drone light performances, and Amazon provides a delivery service called Prime Air using drones.As such, various technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution can be seen in daily life. These technologies continue to develop, and the market is constantly changing. Under these circumstances, HBNU provides opportunities for students and local youths to learn about related technologies and prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.- Public Big Data Analysis Ha-RangHBNU operates Harang which conducts team activities with students to solve engineering problems creatively through the convergence of various majors. Harang is made up of undergraduate and postgraduate students in engineering fields and supports up to 500,000 won material costs for experiments and practical training. There is also an opportunity to take education related to the Internet of Things (IoT), the Fourth Industrial Revolution technology, and 3D printing. Students can choose from topics such as IoT, AI, AR, VR, big data, 3D printing, and drones to develop programs or research. However, the result should have patent-application or start-up potential.- Hanbat Drone Convergence Technology Center and Hanbat EaglesLINC+ business group is operating a drone fusion technology center. They have obtained approval from a specialized educational institution designated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport and operate a curriculum for national qualification testing for unmanned aerial vehicles. In addition, the curriculum has specialized education in theory and practice. It also promotes drone safety education through drone hobby activities and agreements with NGO organizations.Hanbat Eagles is a drone, self-driving car, and VR club that offers experiences and career exploration events for elementary, middle, and high school students. They are also preparing a lot for the Hanbat IT fusion RC Festival.As such, HBNU is providing a foothold for students and local youths to work and start their own businesses by fully exercising their abilities in the wake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. If you take interest in the technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution you should participate in the aforementioned programs. You can be a leader of the Fourth Industrial Revolution!
  • 등록일2021-01-16 14:38:07
Working a Part Time Job at School
  • 조회수411
  • Working a Part Time Job at SchoolBy Ku Reum Cub Reporter, Sophomore of JapaneseWhile attending school, working a part time job is not easy. It takes a lot of time to work a part time job, especially if it is far away from school. However, if you work a part time job at your school, you can do it efficiently. The Student Worker system is a way to work at school for a set hourly wage. Enrolled students in the eighth or lower income quintile calculated by the Korea Scholarship Foundation can apply. Also, only those who have applied for the National Student Worker Scholarship from the Korea Scholarship Foundation can file an application. Student Workers are divided into National Student Worker and School Student Worker groups. National Student Workers are managed by the Korea Scholarship Foundation, and applications can be made on the website of the Korea Scholarship Foundation. A typical workplace is a campus department office, where they can work up to 20 hours a week. On the other hand, School Student Workers are managed by the college, and applications can be made on the website of the HBNU Academic Affairs Information System. An administrative office is a representative workplace. Students can work up to 13 hours a week. We can learn more about student workers through these interviews.Kim Do-won, Senior, National Student Worker of Department OfficeQ. What kind of work do you do in the department office?I assist the teaching assistants with administrative work in the department office. Also, I deal with student complaints and conduct classroom inspections.Q. Do you have any memorable episodes while working?I remember the graduation ceremonies held every semester. I help the teaching assistants prepare for the graduation ceremony. I work on this event every semester, but it is only once for the graduates, so I try to work even harder for them. On the day of the graduation ceremony, it is always meaningful to see the joyful graduates and to say congratulations.Q. Please tell us the advantages and disadvantages of working in your workplace.There are many advantages to working in the department office. First, you can learn about the announcements of the department before other students. Second, you can experience the life of an office worker indirectly. Because the teaching assistants and professors work as professionals, I can learn the system of office work. It will have been a good experience when I take a job.However, some complaints make me tired. Some people make prank calls. As a student worker, it is hard for me to deal sternly with such people.Kim Hye-seong, Junior, School Student Worker of Field Placement Support CenterQ. How did you find out about becoming a school student worker?When I met friends who worked at the school, I thought they were cool because they were helping the teaching assistants and working. During the summer vacation of my first year, I worked in the department where my friend was also working because they were short of hands. While working as a student worker, I thought it would help me to experience life in an office and build up Excel skills. Therefore, I applied to be a student worker since I thought it would be helpful in the future.Q. What kind of work do you do in the field placement support center?In the office, I do academic work and help the teaching assistants. I provide announcements to students who take field placement courses every semester. Besides, I am doing the overall field placement work, such as organizing the required documents for students field placements. I also work in Excel to make sure the field placement students are paid their support money.Q. Please explain the advantages and disadvantages of working in your workplace.Being a student worker is a good opportunity to learn manners that are helpful in a social life, such as overall work etiquette or answering the phone. When work overlaps with the examination period, I may be very busy. However, the students rude calls make me tired. I often get offended by insolent calls from students.Hong U-rim, Sophomore, Student Worker of School NewspaperQ. How did you find out about being a school student worker?Before entering college, my goal was to have the best college life. I was interested in this job after seeing a notice recruiting cub reporters for the school newspaper during the freshmen orientation. I was not confident in my writing, but I applied for the Culture Department, which was very interesting.Q. What kind of work do you do in the field placement support center?The main job of a school newspaper is writing articles. We publish newspapers every month except February and July, through item meetings, a news gathering period, and an editing period.Q. Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages of working in your workplace.The advantage is that you can know the school news first, as well as learning about general news stories. Also, as I write frequently, my writing skills have improved. Furthermore, there are many good opportunities to meet various people and hear their thoughts through news gathering. Last year, I had a good opportunity to talk to the mayor of Daejeon along with other university reporters. Nevertheless, there was a time when I had a hard time because of school tasks and newspaper work.According to these interviews, working at school is helpful to your social life and an opportunity to indirectly experience professional office work. Moreover, working as a school student worker can help you have a wider vision for the future. If you qualify, you should apply to be a student worker!
  • 등록일2021-01-16 14:35:59