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How to Use Wi-Fi in School 이미지
How to Use Wi-Fi in School
  • 조회수4863
  • How to Use Wi-Fi in SchoolBy Lee Hae-rin Cub Reporter, Sophomore of English Language and LiteratureDo you still use either cellular data or HBNUs wireless network as a guest to access the Internet? Despite HBNUs well-established Wi-Fi environment, many students do not know how to use Wi-Fi. Therefore, I would like to introduce the wireless LAN access guide of HBNU.Before using HBNUs wireless LAN (Hanbat_WLAN), users are required to certify themselves for security purposes. Among the wireless LAN, Hanbat_WLAN_Guest is provided for ordinary users, and does not require any certification. A connection can be made automatically. However, only the internet is available through this connection, and there is no access to the school system. Also, the connection is slow. Therefore, it is recommended that school students use Hanbat_WLAN to achieve a fast and stable network connection. You can connect to the Hanbat_WLAN account using only two different devices. When accessing Wi-Fi on campus, the HBNUs undergraduate user ID is 01+student number. (Example: For student number 20181001, the ID would be0120181001) The Wi-Fi password is the same as the password for the HBNU portal system.How to Connect to HBNU Wireless LANWindows Laptops: For Windows Laptops, Agent files must be installed. After installing the Agent file (you can go to the installation site by scanning the QR next to it), check the SSID access client on the Laptop’s main screen. The SSID access client, named “Hanbat_WLAN”, will be downloaded. Then, you can run the access client and enter your ID and password.iPhone/iPad (IOS): Click “Wi-Fi” in the settings and select “Hanbat_WLAN” from the network list. If the network is not shown, click “Other” at the bottom of the network list to enter and connect the wireless LAN access information. Then, click “Approve.”Android Phone/Android Tablet: Click the “Wi-Fi” icon in the top tab menu. Then, select “Hanbat_WLAN” from the network list, or, if it is unavailable, click “Add Network” at the bottom of the screen. Enter the wireless LAN access information and press “Connect.”The Newest Android Phone/Android Tablet (Android version 10): Click the “Wi-Fi” icon in the top tab menu, and enter “Hanbat_WLAN”. Input your ID and password. Then, enter “Advanced” at the bottom of the screen, click on step 2 certification, select GTC, and save. In this case, there is no need to create an anonymous ID. After that, click “Connect” and you are done.Learning how to use Wi-Fi in HBNU means that you can use the Internet conveniently all over the campus !
  • 등록일2023-02-20 16:23:19
What’s HERALD? 이미지
What’s HERALD?
  • 조회수4829
  • Whats HERALD?By Kim Do-eun Editor-in-Chief, Junior of Public PolicyIf you are a student at HBNU, you may have seen English newspapers distributed throughout the school. Writing articles for many people during college is not a common experience. Plus, it is even more special if you write it in the language of English. So, who are the people experiencing this, and why are they doing it? This article tells the story of HBNUs official English newspaper, The Hanbat Herald,, which tries to convey useful information to readers at home and abroad.Founded in 2008, The Hanbat Herald is an English newspaper company, affiliated with HBNUs newsroom. Twice a year, they deliver various meaningful news stories to young people, both domestic and foreign. These meaningful news stories refer to selecting useful topics for readers, and delivering accurate information - regardless of their timeliness - because the newspapers are published twice a year.As of September 2022, they have published a total of 28 newspapers. About 190 copies of the latest issue were delivered to allied universities and public institutions in 16 countries, including the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, and Vietnam. In addition, about 500 copies were delivered to HBNU, and about 300 copies were delivered to various institutions and universities in Korea. As they have a global readership, the articles are divided into four parts: Campus, National, International, and Cultural, in order to convey diverse news stories.-The way they workHerald reporters conduct thematic meetings, writing articles in Korean and English, getting feedback from a native speaking professor, and organizing the layout over a semester. They are divided into three departments: article, public relations, and management. The article department aims to improve the quality of the newspapers, as well as articles. Therefore, they are responsible for the final feedback of Korean and English articles, and the layouts. The public relations department is in charge of communication and promotion with readers by uploading card news and event notifications through Instagram and the newsroom website. Finally, the management department is in charge of accounting management within the Herald, and the reservation of places for events. For smooth operation and high-quality newspapers, they have a plenary session, an English study meeting once a week, and the formal reporters receive scholarships. They also promote unity among members through a retreat during vacation.-Reporter selection process and English proficiencyAt the beginning of the first semester of each year, they select cub reporters through first document evaluation, a second interview, and a written test. Any student of HBNU under junior can apply for this. In the first document evaluation, they consider the applicants experience, effort, and interest in English as important. In the second interview, they evaluate the reliability of the applications. After the interviews, a test, consisting of questions that can confirm reading comprehension and English writing skills, is conducted.You may think that there are only students with excellent English skills in English newspaper companies. Of course, if you are good at English, it is much easier to write articles and do other activities. However, outstanding English is not essential.Bae So-young, a member of the Herald, said, I could write in English to some extent. Nevertheless, there were many parts that were revised and supplemented after feedback. By repeating these processes, my English has improved a lot. She also added that anyone who can speak English can apply, even if they are not fluent. Besides, you do not need to worry about your English since you can get individual feedback directly from a native speaker professor in the Herald.The following interview is the story of a student working as a reporter at the Herald.Choi Ha-ram, Sophomore of Public Policy, Head of the Article Department for the Second Semester of 2022Q. Why did you apply for the Herald?When I was a high school student, I dreamed of becoming a sports reporter, because I loved soccer. After entering university, I became interested in the school press, because I wanted to achieve my dream of becoming a reporter. Just in time, I saw the Heralds recruitment notice, and I applied because I was attracted to the thought of being able to write articles, and also to be able to study English.Q. What was your most rewarding moment as a reporter for the Herald?It was the first time I saw my article in the finished newspaper. I was so proud of that finished newspaper thatI had worked on for a semester.Q. What do you think is the biggest advantage of the Herald?We write articles in English, unlike ordinary Korean newspaper companies. Therefpre, we study English on our own for the high quality of the articles. In addition to improving our English skills, it is also possible to socialize and share useful information with other members from various departments.Q. What would you like to say to HBNU students reading this article?If you would like to write for many people and improve your English, why dont you apply for the Herald? I am sure you can spend your college life more meaningfully. Lastly, I ask you guys to pay a lot of attention to the Herald.As official reporters at HBNU, they are working diligently to be helpful to their readers, with pride and responsibility. Why dont you think about the reporters effort and time for this, at least once, rather than just passing by when you see their newspapers distributed on campus? If you look at it with interest, you will benefit by getting both English skills and useful information.
  • 등록일2023-02-20 16:21:20
Learning Club
  • 조회수7
  • Learning ClubBy Choi Ha-ram Reporter, Sophomore of Public PolicyWhat is your study type? If you are tired of studying alone or having trouble with studying a subject, read this article carefully. In this article, I have some suggestions that may be helpful to you. It is HBNUs learning club. HBNUs Center for Teaching Learning is running a program called the Learning Club', which is designed to improve enrolled students self-directed and cooperative learning skills. Lets look into the learning club where you can study together with other students, and receive scholarships and units.A learning club is a program where three to eight students study together as a team. They study more than eight times during the semester. One advantage is that each team can study the subject they want at a selected day and time. Each team can apply to this program through a variety of major fields, such as, languages, certificates, leadership, etc. For example, if you want to study a specific major with your friends, you can apply for that major field.When applying for a learning club, you must fill out a learning plan for each team, from weeks 1 to 8. Afterwards, if you are selected for a learning club, you can learn according to your plan. Also, you must keep a diary of the weekly study meetings. In the diary, you must document what you learned each week in specific detail and attach a proof photo which includes all the club members faces. During the eight activities, a consultation with the supervisor must also be conducted, and you also have to complete the learning assistants interim check.After this process, when all activities, up to the 8th week, are completed, a performance presentation will be held. At this results presentation, several teams, which have been selected as successful clubs, will make presentations about their learning processes. Through these performance presentations, you can compare your team with the other excellent teams and improve your learning methods through the advice of other successful performance presentations. In addition, after the end of the operation, each team will upload their result reports and final impression reports. In the final impression report, you must write the members thoughts and opinions about the activities, and the results of the activities (report card, certificates, identification slip, etc.).After all the courses are completed, each teams members will receive a scholarship of 80,000 won, and the group leader will receive a scholarship of 100,000 won. Additionally, units needed to graduate from HBNU will also be given. Each team member will get 5 units, and the leader will get 6 units. So, why dont you apply for a learning club where you can study with friends and get scholarships and units? After reading this article, if you want to know more information about the learning club, you can scan the QR code below. I hope this article is helpful to your learning.
  • 등록일2023-02-20 16:20:32
Social Butterfly Diary
  • 조회수7
  • Social Butterfly DiaryBy Bae So-young Reporter, Sophomore of English Language and LiteratureCollege students usually want to have a worthwhile school life. However, most students do not know how to. So, what can students do during their school life to spend their time appropriately? The following essay includes answers to these questions from the perspective of students who are participating in a variety of school activities so they can have a worthwhile university life.ClubsFirst, students can participate in club activities. Through these activities, they can not only study the fields they are interested in, but they can also meet friends from other majors. On campus, there are a variety of clubs at HBNU, in fields such as performance, exhibit/refinement, volunteering, sports and religion. Additionally, there are other clubs outside of the school, which are in alliance with other schools. If you join a club that fits in with your needs, it will be helpful in providing you with a worthwhile school life. The following is an interview from a student who served as club president for the Sang Sang Neighbors in 2022.IntervieweeJang Ji-hyun, Junior of Chinese, Club President of Sang Sang NeighborsQ. What club are you in, and what position are you serving?A. Im participating in the Sang Sang Neighbors club, and I am the club president.Q. Why did you decide to participate in this club?A. I have been participating in volunteer clubs since I was in middle school, and I decided to participate in another club, similar to middle school. So, I decided to enjoy the Sang Sang Neighbors club by searching through SNS.Q. What differences in your school life have occurred since participating in the club?A. Now I have a lot of friends from other majors, and my school life has become colorful through different club activities.Q. What did you learn through the activities?A. I learned the attitude of co-existence, the consideration of others, and the ways of empathy. Also, I learned new emotions like the sense of fulfillment, or happiness gained through volunteering.Q. Do you think the activities you have done have helped relate to your career?A. Yes, the activities that I have done have made me have an attitude. An attitude that is also beneficial to our social lives. Also, as club president, I have planned and scheduled projects and this experience has made me a more responsible person.Q. What do you want to say to HBNU students?A. Sang Sang Neighbors is a club that is affiliated with KT Park Sung-eun, Junior of English Language and Literature, Student President of DepartmentQ. Why did you decide to participate in the student council?A. I decided to participate because I wanted to make some long-term friends in my major, and make unforgettable memories with them. Also, I wanted to serve as a leader in my department.Q. What differences have you experienced in your school life after participating in the student council?A. Before participating in the student council, I did not know that there were so many students in the department, but through the student council, I was able to meet many people. Also, I think there have been many changes in various aspects of school life, such as planning new programs and meeting classmates face-to-face, rather than the previous years on-line, non-face-to-face meetings.Q. What did you learn through these activities?A. First, I have learned about myself. I could reflect on myself through meeting various people in other majors, or at other schools. Also, my life values have changed in positive ways.Q. Do you think the activities you have done helped relate to your career?A. I have seen that through planning lots of projects, my ability of marketing, as well as relationships and leadership have improved a lot. I believe this ability will be helpful to my social life.Q. What do you want to say to HBNU students?A. Studying your major is important, but I recommend that you enjoy various activities, such as clubs, student council, and extracurricular activities that you can only experience when you are a university student. These activities allow us to learn many things, such as human relationships, and career potential. Also, there are a variety of welfare programs, such as libraries, movie theaters, and affiliations in the university, so look for them and use them to enjoy yourself!Extracurricular ActivitiesFinally, there is a way to participate in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities have a wide spectrum, so there are various activities that you can participate in. There are activities that are conducted by companies, such as supporters and experience groups, so students who are interested should look for activities constantly through related websites. The following is an interview from a student who participated in the schools extracurricular activities.IntervieweePark Da-bin, Junior of English Language and Literature, Ambassador of HBNUQ. What extracurricular activities have you done?A. I served as an ambassador of HBNU, which is called HanbutQ. Why did you decide to participate in extracurricular activities?A. I wanted to do various things when I was a freshman, so I was interested in being a school ambassador. I had the will to do it, so I applied without hesitation.Q. What is the difference in your school life after participating in these activities?A. It was hard to meet students from other majors, but through these activities, I could meet students from various majors. Also, getting information about school life became easier.Q. What did you learn through the activities?A. Through the activities, I met many people and worked as part of a community, so I was able to think about the relationships between people once again, and I learned about what attitude I should have in my future social life.Q. Do you think the activities you have done have helped relate to your career?A. After I graduate, Im thinking about my career as a service worker, and I think it was a good experience for me to indirectly imagine my future career by all members wearing uniforms and taking charge of the event. And I believe it will be a great help, not only in my career, but also in my future social life.Q. What do you want to say to HBNU students?A. There are more activities that you can do at school than you expect, so I hope that HBNU students actively participate in various activities, and have good memories for their four-year university experience.In this way, all students who actively research and participate in various activities answered that they were proud of themselves. Students who participate in various activities tend to grow and learn from their experiences. I am hoping that HBNU students will also independently manage their school life, like the above students, and also benefit from their activities.
  • 등록일2023-02-20 16:18:43
We Are Sources of HBNU!  : Meeting With Three Representatives of Organizations 이미지
We Are Sources of HBNU! : Meeting With Three Representatives of Organizations
  • 조회수1616
  • We Are Sources of HBNU!: Meeting With Three Representatives of OrganizationsBy Yoon Ji-yeon Editor-in-Chief, Senior of Electrical EngineeringWe get information about the school in various ways. Some people listen to broadcastings that can be heard at certain times. Some people read newspapers that are provided throughout the school. Some people check the SNS messages that are posted constantly. Students can gain knowledge and information about the school from those mediums, and they can use that information to apply for new programs, and get benefits.Have you, who are living in the middle of this abundance of information, ever thought about who does such a thing, and why do they do it? This article is about the three organizations that are trying to bring useful news to students.uHBNU PressThe HBNU press started in 1971. It is a direct institution of the president, and they publish a newspaper nine times a year. The newspaper has six categories: University, Society, Scholarship, Liberal Arts, Public, and Culture. Among them, the liberal art category has special corners that general students can participate in. Non-reporter students also can publish their writings and photos. Its office is located in building S1 (Library).Interviewee: Lim Hyun-ji, Management and Accounting, Editor-in-Chief of HBNU PressQ. Why did you join HBNU Press?Before entering university, I saw a TV drama named Hello, My Twenties!. There was a character named Song Ji-won, who was working as a reporter for a school press. When I saw the character, I wanted to join the school press after entering university. Also, I thought it was cool to agonize about social problems and write articles about them. So after entering the university, I applied for HBNU Press and joined as a cub reporter.Q. When is the most worthwhile moment, working in the HBNU Press?I work not only as a reporter, but also as the chief editor, so I have two different moments. As a reporter, I feel worthwhile when friends read the articles that I wrote, and comment on them.Also, as the chief editor, on the day before the publication date, I come to the office alone and prepare for publication, and fill out the paperwork. After I have done all my work, I turn off the office light. That is the most worthwhile moment as chief editor. In that brief moment, I think I did a great job on this issue, too.Q. What works are processed in the HBNU Press?We publish newspapers nine times a year, every month except for February, July, and August. Our process for publishing newspapers includes item conferences, collecting news, writing articles, and feedback processes.Reporters are classified into two tasks. The first is the editor that is composing illustrations for newspapers, and in-design editing. The second is the reporters that go out to cover the news and write the articles.Q. What is the biggest advantage of the HBNU Press?I think periodic writing is the biggest advantage. We constantly practice the composition and arrangement of sentences by writing articles. This helps improve writing skills and vocabulary. Also, the cub reporters are automatically changed into reporters that can have the benefit of a scholarship.uHanbat National University Broadcasting Station (HNUBS)The HNUBS was launched in 1963. It conducts regular broadcastings on campus for 90 minutes a day, focusing on reporting, culture, and literal arts contents, three times a day. HNUBS holds various school festivals, and produces videos once a week. Its office is located in building S2.Interviewee: Yoo Seung-jin, Architectural Engineering, Main Producer of HNUBSQ. I want to know about the work process of HNUBSThe biggest events that we hold are the broadcasting festival and the singing festival. The singing festival is usually held in the first semester, and the broadcasting festival is held once a semester. Especially in the first-semester, the broadcasting festival focuses on freshmen.Also, we conduct regular broadcastings for 90 minutes a day. The big topic of broadcasting is set according to the day of the week. We collect various stories about each topic and write the scripts ourselves. Plus, we produce short videos every week. We carry out every process for making a video, like writing scripts, acting, and image editing. You can watch our videos on our Facebook account.We have largely divided members into three groups, depending on their work. The planning group writes scripts for broadcasting, the announcer group is in charge of broadcasting, and the technical members are in charge of engineering for broadcasting. For example, in the short videos that I mentioned before, the planning group writes a script for the video, the technical group films the announcers who are acting, and then they edit the videos.Q. What is the biggest advantage of HNUBS?Unlike other school institutions and clubs, we freely carry out new events by ourselves. We can show our creative ideas and inspiration. I think the biggest advantage is getting a sense of accomplishment and pride by watching results that are made by my ideas.I belong to the technical group, so I usually do not come out directly in front of people. However, when people watch the video at a broadcasting festival, they not only focus on the actors, but also on the producers who are behind the camera. This is when I feel the greatest sense of accomplishment and pride.I think these feelings are not common, because only the people who experience this kind of work can understand them.Q. What is the most important thing for recruiting new members, and what are the promotion methods for regular members?The most important thing is the possibility of harmony. Can this person get along well with us? This is the most important question in the process of recruiting, because a lack of technique can be overcome, but basic mindsets - like time commitments and differences in working methods - are things that are very difficult to change.We usually promote everyone who wants promotion, up to a certain number of people. If that certain number is less than the number of applicants, we proceed with the interviews on our own.uLog-in the HanbatLog-in the Hanbat is an organization for promoting the school with distinctive ideas and various contents. Unlike the two institutions mentioned before, this organization belongs to the Foreign Cooperation and Public Relations Team. This has various categories, such as card news, blogs, comics, Youtube, global information, etc. Blogs and comics are uploaded three times a month. Card news is uploaded once a week, and Youtube is uploaded twice a month.Interviewee: Kim Tae-yeon, Public Policy, Representative student of Log-in the HanbatQ. Why did you join Log-in the Hanbat?As a student of HBNU, I was attracted to introducing the school directly, and I wanted to create a more unique and distinctive content. Also, I wanted to learn the basic skills of editing and shooting videos by working as part of a Youtube team. So, I applied to the Log-in the Hanbat Youtube team.Q. When was the most worthwhile moment, working in Log-in the Hanbat?When I worked with a Youtube team last year, I felt rewarded when the video that I filmed and edited had a high view count and good responses. I think most of the members also felt the same way as me. As my work is posted on the official HBNU account, I feel more responsible.Q. What is the biggest advantage of working with Log-in the Hanbat?I can get more information about our university, like scholarships, benefits for students, facilities, and activities; things that I did not know before. Also, the school granted scholarships and other benefits to members of Log-in the Hanbat.Just promoting school is also a valuable experience, and meaningful. Plus, that support from school also motivated me to work harder, and made me proud of my activities.Q. What is the most important thing for recruiting new members?The most important thing is the applicants interest in our school, and the ability to talk about school in a sensible way. Technical ability on Premier Pro or Photoshop, etc. would be a plus factor for recruiting, but it does not matter if you do not have it. Technical skills can be learned while working, so you do not have to feel pressured.Q. Lastly, what do you want to say to students who are reading this article?All of our activities have only one goal, which is students convenience. I hope our various contents have helped your campus life, and I hope so in the future, too.These students are working in various institutions with various works. However, their goals are the same: They hope their results will help many students campus life. They want to be the students source of joy and convenience. They take pride in their work, and continue their activities to help students. All the contents that we easily consume are the results of the sweat of numerous students. Also, the thing that rewards our efforts is the students attention.Why dont you think about the efforts and time of the students who try hard to make better results, rather than easily seeing and passing on the efforts? The more you look at it with interest, the richer the information you can find.
  • 등록일2022-07-04 11:20:16
Is Your Life Boring?   Why Don’t You Study Abroad? 이미지
Is Your Life Boring? Why Don’t You Study Abroad?
  • 조회수1519
  • Is Your Life Boring?Why Dont You Study Abroad?By Lee Seo-jinReporter, Senior of Material Science and EngineeringThe HBNUs 2021 Global Short-Term Training course was held this winter. Since 2020, this program had been conducted online because of COVID-19, but this time, it was conducted both online and overseas. The overseas dispatch training agencies were scheduled to be at Wolverhampton University in the UK, the University of Nevada in the US, and the United Nation (UN) intergovernmental organization in Switzerland, but due to the spread of Omicron, the UN canceled their face to face programs. Therefore, the other two institutions conducted the training. The selected HBNUs students received scholarships.This article is the personal report of a journalist who went to Wolverhampton University in the UK for a month, from 27 January to 19 February.Before going abroadThis program was run on a first-come, first-served basis. The documents that needed to be submitted included a certificate of enrollment and proof of language performance. In addition, vaccination was a prerequisite due to COVID-19. After the application and selections were made, pre-education was held for the students. Through this pre-education, students could prepare to use English and understand the culture of the country. A native English professor and a Korean professor of English Language and Literature gave lectures on how to write emails, how to do presentations, and on the culture of other countries.In the UK, With Covid was being implemented in January 2022. At that time, many people did not put masks on their face, and even if they had COVID-19, they did not self-isolate. Entering the UK from other countries was not hard. There were no specific self-isolation areas. There was no problem, as long as overseas entrants passed the day2 kit that was ordered to their residence in the UK.Regular classes during the trainingIn this program, twenty-six Korean students and Forty French students participated in language training at Wolverhampton University City Campus. As the number of students was large, we took a level test and classes were divided, according to the students English level. The Wolverhampton Universitys program was divided into classes where the students took professors lectures and field trips, so students could travel together to many places in the UK. In the classes, we learned English from 10:00am-13:00pm, and in the afternoon, we could choose between Professional Communication classes and TOEIC classes. Under the guidance of several professors, we discussed and presented information about French, Korean, and British cultures. Once every two weeks, French and Korean students worked together to give mini presentations.The most impressive class was about English pronunciation. Great Britain is a country where people of various nationalities gather, so I could hear English with various pronunciations. Especially when I talked with French students in class, it was difficult to communicate with them because of their French pronunciation style of English. Previously, I did not know the importance of pronunciation when I was learning English in Korea. However, through this experience, I learned that English pronunciation has an important role in the globalized world, so it made me more interested in taking the English pronunciation symbol class. A British professor said that when children learn words in England, they naturally learn pronunciation symbols together. For example, with the word Apple, the [] symbol is used, and read as pple. In Try, the pronunciation symbol [a] is used, and read as trei.On Wednesday and Friday afternoons, we went on field trips to places including Chester, Birmingham and Cambridge. On these field trips, there was an advantage that could only be enjoyed in this program. Before the trip, some professors prepared us with information about each location in the class, to help us prepare. In addition, there was no transportation fee because we traveled together in the universitys bus.Every evening, there was a program called Social Night. There were simple sports, quiz times, and movie times. This was a perfect time to enjoy British pub culture.I could go to the pub and make foreign friends of various nationalities. Also, I could drink various alcoholic beverages, and dance with my friends.Life during the trainingThe accommodation provided by Wolverhampton University in the UK was a dormitory. Wolverhampton University dormitories are home to students of various races and nationalities. They have several flats. There is a shared kitchen and dining room in each flat. Also, there are four to five personal rooms and private toilets. In the UK, having a meal in a restaurant is really expensive. It was much more economical to go grocery shopping and make food with flat-mates and share our food. (In addition, rumors that British food is terrible were true...)In accommodation, there were many students from various nations, so we could experience various types of cultural life. The accommodation had various convenient facilities such as a laundry room, sports facilities, and communication rooms. There were two very impressive things I experienced while living in the dormitory: The first one was the experience of sharing food with Korean and French students. My French friends and I prepared each countrys dish and we ate together. We prepared some characteristic foods to give a strong impression for fun. I can not forget my friends smelly goat cheese. Its smell was so strong that my nose could smell nothing. I prepared Buldak Bokkeummyeon (Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen) that was really spicy for them. My friend ate it and spewed fire out of his mouth. It was a really fun experience for us. The second most memorable experience was in the laundry room. I had to use an app to use the laundry machines. There were already many broken washing machines, and it was my first time using them. Unfortunately, I had a problem with the washing machine not working, even after I had put the money in. It was the beginning of the month, so I did not have any friends to ask for help. At that time, an unknown foreign student helped me. I can not forget how grateful I was for the help I received when I was in trouble. During that one month, I was helped by many strangers. Therefore, I wanted to be helpful to other people.Since the training period was about a month, on the weekends, I could travel anywhere I wanted to go in England. I have visited everywhere, including London, Brighton, Bath, etc. and the place that I recommended the most is Brighton. Brighton has the Seven Sisters; a combination of magnificent white cliffs, and a sea that is full of waves. There is a spectacular view that cannot be seen easily anywhere on Earth. It is on the southern coast of England, and it is extremely windy, so I recommend you to look up a lot of information for a safe trip. London is such a famous city that everyone knows, so you can go wherever you like. Still, I would recommend the Sky Garden and the National Gallery. Also, both places are free to enter! If you are a Portermore, I would also recommend going to the Harry Potter Studio, and if you love football, it will be a great experience to do a stadium tour and watch a football game.+Tips about trains in UK1.Compare prices by installing various types of train apps.2.If you are buying a rail-card, to get a discount, collect your friends who want to buy the same one and pay as soon as possible.3.From London, take the train early! If your train is going out of town from London at peak times like 7p.m. on Saturday, you should get rid of the idea of sitting down. Even if you reserved your seat. London is that kind of cityThe best thing that I experienced in this one month was that I could feel freedom in my heart. Leaving behind my worries in Korea, it was a truly valuable experience for me to be able to move as I wanted, and I felt that it was a very precious moment in my life. Even in the UK without a mask! Also, I was even more lucky because I met so many nice, kind people. Therefore, I really recommend this to HBNUs students who are tired of their life as it is. In addition, I gained a lot of confidence in listening and speaking English. This one month gave me lifes vitality and made me look forward to my future life. Therefore, I would like to recommend it to everyone who reads this article. Do not hesitate to challenge!
  • 등록일2022-07-04 11:19:22
All about Tutoring
  • 조회수1522
  • All about TutoringBy Bae So-young Reporter, Sophomore of English Language and LiteratureIf the chance for you to help teenagers comes your way, would you take it? The program University Teenager Tutoring provides those chances and helps teenagers develop through interaction. The following includes the things I have learned as a tutor who participated in the 2021 second semester university teenager tutoring. Also, there are some tips that mentors can refer to.Q. How did you take part in Tutoring?Before the second semester, an announcement of recruiting mentors came up. I had an interest in not only teaching someone, but also developing myself through interaction, so I applied with no hesitation. I recommend applying this program to students who have an interest in education.Q. What is University Teenager Tutoring?University teenager tutoring is literally the program where university students tutor teenagers. The object of tutoring is preschooler, elementary, middle school, and high school students. Tutoring usually involves managing studying. Mentors lead mentees to study efficiently and set the right values. Also, mentors should help mentees to adjust to corporate life.Q. How can I apply to tutoring?Students who have an interest should check out HBNU, Korea Student Aid Foundation website frequently, because regular announcements come up on it. When they come up, the applicant should fill in the application that includes an introduction and tutoring schedule of oneself. Then, send it to the email address that is given in the announcement. Only students whose scores are over 80 can apply, and there is no standard of income. When it is approved, applicants have to call the institution and then continue mentoring.Q. What do mentors do while tutoring?I worked at a community child center, so this writing will include the activities that are conducted in the child community center. However, the activities are different, depending on each center, so make sure of the activity of each one. At the child community center, basic education and play activity is the main activity. Mentees end up with the task that is provided, and then have an activity with mentors. Mentors help mentees to write book reports, study math, and English. To help students reach a higher level of education, mentors should conduct educational tutoring.Q. What was the key of your tutoring?First, I started tutoring to teach children, but later I wanted to lead mentees to be the right person who could think and behave without anyones assistance. To achieve this goal, I focused on rapport formation. I treated mentees from their perspective and tried to create a bond of empathy. After the formation of rapport, smooth learning was possible for both mentors, and mentees. When mentees confronted educational problems, rather than giving solutions, I tried to teach students to find their own solutions to their problems.Q. What did you learn from tutoring?I have learned many things through tutoring for one semester. One of the most satisfying things is the difference between the before and after of myself. After tutoring, I felt I had supported peoples lives without any cost, and now I hope that the mentees can be the right people and can think and behave in the right way. Also, I reminded myself to behave right in order to be the right person who deserves to teach children. When someone relies on me, it makes me feel something beyond description. University Teenager Tutoring provides things that cannot be experienced in university lectures. Participating in tutoring will be a great chance for the HBNU students.Only for Mentors!Tip 1) Do not hesitate to apply!Tip 2) Only students who can participate more than one semester should apply.Tip 3) To take part in a program, volunteer time, and scores are important!Tip 4) There are many institutions where mentors are recruited, so contact the center quickly!Tip 5) The mentoring contents are different for each center, so be well informed of the mentoring contents for each one!Tip 6) Do not treat mentees from an adults point of view, but try to see things from their level!
  • 등록일2022-07-04 11:18:54
If You Cherish Discounts, Apply for the HBNU Student ID Debit Card
  • 조회수1521
  • If You Cherish Discounts, Apply for the HBNU Student ID Debit CardBy Woo Jung-kyu Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Industrial EngineeringThe phrase If you want to save money, cut off your credit card and use a debit card appears frequently in financial books, targeting people in their 20s and 30s. There are three main reasons for using a debit card. First is to build good consumption habits. There is a limit on the use of debit cards. Therefore, you can lead a regular consumption life and stay away from overconsumption. Second is to receive more tax deductions at the time of the year-end tax settlement. If you exceed 25 percent of your annual salary, 15-30 percent of the excess can be deducted, up to 3 million won per year. Third is to receive benefits that are as good as those offered by credit cards. Many college students will use debit cards for this purpose. I would like to recommend the HBNU student ID debit card to students who are looking for a debit card with a student ID function and a variety of discounts and benefits.Benefits of HBNU Student ID Debit Card(How to check benefits: Access KB Star Banking appAll menusProduct registrationCreate cardCreate university student ID check cardBenefit information)Lets take a look at the benefits for college students.1. It can be used as a library pass and book loan card for student ID purposes.2. When using a GS25, you can get a 5 percent cashback, and if the amount used per transaction is between 10,000 won and 20,000 won, you can get a maximum of 1,000 won discount.3. When using public transportation, you can receive a 10 percent billing discount and a discount of up to 20,000 won per month, and you can get a discount if you have used more than 300,000 won in the previous month.4. When using CGV, you can receive a 35 percent cashback and a maximum discount of 7,000 won if the amount used per case is between 10,000 won and 20,000 won. Buying gift certificates or using concession stands in theaters is excluded.5. When using Starbucks, you can get a 20 percent cashback and a maximum discount of 4,000 won, if the amount used per transaction is between 10,000 won and 20,000 won. Note that you cannot get a discount when you purchase gift certificates, charge your Starbucks card, or use some other stores.Only freshmen and transfer students can receive the debit card from March to September every year. Also, it is easy to receive the HBNU student ID debit card, and it offers so many benefits through the app. You can check the issuance method through this QR code.I hope that you enjoy your school life while taking advantage of being a HBNU student.
  • 등록일2022-07-04 11:18:02
Registering Personal Mobility and   Using Parking Lots 이미지
Registering Personal Mobility and Using Parking Lots
  • 조회수1565
  • Registering Personal Mobility andUsing Parking LotsBy Lee Hae-rin, Cub reporter, Sophomore of English Language and LiteratureThese days, we are able to see many electric scooters and bicycles on sidewalks and roads.As they are convenient means of transportation, the number of personal mobility users is increasing. Personal Mobility signifies a small one- or two-seater form of transportation, which uses electricity as a power source. Electric scooters are the most well-known types of Mobility, but there are also other kinds, such as electric wheels, electric bicycles, and ultra-compact electric vehicles. Accordingly, parking lots for Personal Mobility have been newly established in HBNU. Therefore, I would like to introduce the registration method and parking areas for HBNU students who use form of Personal Mobility transportation.How to Register Personal MobilityStudents must register their Personal Mobilities before parking. When a student submits an application for the registration of a Personal Mobility to his/her department, the registration is completed after examination through college and student departments. Application forms for the registration of Personal Mobility can be downloaded from the HBNU's websiteUniversity lifeVehicle and Personal Mobility.If you are just renting a mobility scooter, then registration is not necessary. Also, if you want to delete your registered personal information, you can fill out an application for deleting it, and submit it in the same way as above. In addition, it is recommended that students must watch safety management education videos on the HBNU website before operating Personal Mobilities, to be well-informed with the terms of compliance.Parking Areas Guide for Personal MobilityStudents should only use the designated parking areas to ensure traffic safety in the university, and so they are not subject to parking violations. The designated parking areas are used together with bicycle storage areas for each building.N13 bicycle storageN4 bicycle storageS1 bicycle storageS2 bicycle storageS0 bicycle storageS8 bicycle storageD7 bicycle storageD8 bicycle storageTo maintain an ethical traffic life, let's be well-acquainted with registering Personal Mobility and parking areas, and work together to create a safe traffic environment at HBNU.
  • 등록일2022-07-04 11:17:05
Do You Know the Hanbat Smart Service?
  • 조회수1534
  • Do You Know the Hanbat Smart Service?By Kim Min-joong Cub reporter, Junior of Mechanical EngineeringUsually, people who use software or programs, such as Windows 10 or Matlab, have to pay for them. However, HBNU students can use a variety of programs, including the above examples, for free through Hanbat Smart Services. There are many students who do not know about these services yet. Since you are a student at HBNU, lets take a look at the different Hanbat Smart services that you can enjoy.You can find information about the Hanbat Smart service on the school website's life menu. In order to use these services, you have to get a certificate through an account at HBNU, which is created when students enroll. After authentication, you can use the School Wi-Fi, Office 365, Windows 10, and Matlab. Among them, Office 365 and Microsofts operating system, Windows 10, are widely used. However engineering students often give up installing Matlab due to the complexity, even though it is an essential coding program for them.I recommendthese students to use a portal site, dedicated to Matlab HBNU. If you log in to the internet environment, you can easily use it, regardless of the time and place. Also, the engineering program, Ansys, which is not described on the homepage, can be used with the Hanbat account.If you use the Hanbat Smart service, you will be able to enjoy a smart school life by utilizing various programs that can help you achieve basic academic performance. If you are a student at HBNU, you can enjoy the advantages of these services.
  • 등록일2022-07-04 11:15:44