Department Office Location and Phone Number: Room 103-1, S3 Building (Tel. 821-1866)
The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the second half of the 20th century has led to the era of big data, where 30 billion pieces of content are created on Facebook every month and global data is growing by 40% annually. The three characteristics of big data are variety, (massive) volume, and (high) velocity, also known as the 3Vs. Professionals who deal with big data are called big data professionals, and they can be divided into data collection and management specialists, data scientists who analyze big data, and those who can utilize the information obtained from big data.
In the United States, 180,000 additional analysts and 1.5 million additional big data-based managers are needed by 2018, and one in every 1,000 new job openings is a data scientist. In Korea, the demand for big data experts is also growing rapidly, but there is an inadequate supply of manpower to meet this demand. Daejeon, in particular, is in need of experts to manage and analyze big data generated by public institutions such as the National Computing and Information Agency.
The Department of Big Data Business aims to foster big data analytics experts by teaching students basic theories and principles, programming languages, and various methodologies required for big data analytics.
Big data analysis in the public sector, big data analysis in the medical field, big data analysis in the financial field, big data analytics software development, IT expert in big data analytics, big data-based business model development
The technological advances in the field of information and communications as well as information technology will dramatically expand the fields that utilize big data, and the demand for big data analytics experts is expected to grow accordingly. It is worth noting that big data analytics does not belong to any one academic discipline, but it is an interdisciplinary field that requires a coordinated approach with the application of multiple disciplines related to big data. Therefore, the department plans to continuously reorganize the current curricula to meet future needs and demands. In addition, the department aims to offer more field-oriented education by establishing a big data research center that specializes in the analysis methods and techniques of various types of big data generated in the field in collaboration with the private sector and building an educational system for students in connection with the research center.