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the College of Engineering HANBAT NATIONAL UNIVERSITY

The 94-year history of Hanbat National University (HBNU) can be said to be the history of the College of Engineering. Since its establishment in 1927, HBNU has undergone many changes and advances based on engineering majors, leading to today’s Deokmyung Campus era. The College of Engineering started anew in March 2012 when the university was converted into a general university, reorganizing 10 departments and majors into Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Materials Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Industrial Management Engineering, and Equipment Engineering, and has become a cradle of human resources recognized by domestic and international science and technology circles and industries.

In particular, the College of Engineering at HBNU has been successfully completing or carrying out numerous national projects, including the National University Development Project, the Engineering Education Innovation Center Project, the University Jobs Project, the Fourth Industrial Revolution Innovation Leadership Project, the High School Education Contributing University Support Project, and the Leaders in Industry and University Cooperation+ (LINC+) Project. As such, it is regarded as an exemplary college in industry-university cooperation nationwide, leading innovation and change in the region.

Through the various state-funded projects, the College of Engineering is striving to become a glocal innovative college that fosters students’ creativity and application skills, contributing significantly to the development of students’ abilities and improving their employment rate and playing a key role in industrial development as well as research and development for the advancement of science and technology in Korea.

Moreover, in order to spearhead change by taking leadership in each major field of study, the College of Engineering is striving to build advanced infrastructure for research and education through Engineering Education Accreditation Program (KEC 2005), which complies with international engineering education standards. It is developing and implementing strategies so that in the near future it can become one of the leading information technology colleges in Korea and stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the best engineering universities around the world.