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미래가치를 창출하는 글로컬 산학일체 혁신대학



실험실 소개

최근 몇 년간 디지털트윈/게임/엔터테인먼트를 중심으로 가상현실 시장은 급속도로 성장하고 있다. 증강현실 또한 인공지능의 발달과 함께 그 적용분야를 넓혀가고 있다. FAKE 연구실은 게임엔진 기술을 바탕으로 가상현실/증강현실/CG/게임 등의 분야를 주로 연구하고 있고, 관련 콘텐츠를 생성하는 과제를 진행하고 있다.

지도교수 : 이 정


  • Motion Generation and Analyzing the User’s Arm Muscles via Leap Motion and Its Data-Driven Representations
  • Isoline Tracking in Particle Based Fluids Using Level-Set Learning
  • Efficient Dataset Collection for Concrete Crack Detection with Spatial-Adaptive Data Augmentation
  • Efficient Propagation and Remapping of Sound through a Geometric Approach in Virtual Environments and Terrains
  • Efficient and Stable Generation of High-Resolution Hair and Fur with ConvNet Using Adaptive Strand Geometry Images
  • Optimal Path Control of a Patient for Rapid Infection Testing
  • Geometry image super-resolution with AnisoCBConvNet architecture for efficient cloth modeling
  • Controllable Swarm Animation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Rule-Based Action Generator
  • Visual Simulation of Turbulent Foams by Incorporating the Angular Momentum of Foam Particles into the Projective Framework
  • Stable and Anisotropic Freezing Framework with Interaction between IISPH Fluids and Ice Particles
  • Draft Layout Generation of Building Drawings on Real Urban Scenes with Boundary Particle Method and Priority Solver
  • Accelerated Smoke Simulation by Super-Resolution with Deep Learning on Downscaled and Binarized Space
  • Particle-Based Dynamic Water Drops with High Surface Tension in Real-Time


  • 핵융합 디지털 트윈을 위한 플라즈마 동적 특성 표현 및분석 기술 개발(한국연구재단)
  • 인공지능 기반 초실감 산림 환경(VERAH) 구현 및 산림치유지도사 가이드 치유 프로그램의 임상적 효과성 검증(산림청)