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Cultural News

Wax Carving One-Day Class

작성자HANBAT HERALD  조회수4,898 등록일2023-02-20
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Wax Carving One-Day Class

By Lee Ye-rim Cub reporter, Freshman of Chinese

How do you usually spend time with a precious person? Many people go to cafes or exhibitions because there are many different places around us. However, if you are tired of these places, why don’t you take a one-day class?

I am sure a lot of people have heard of “One-Day Classes” at least once. They are literally daily courses that can be found around us these days. It is a class that is just open temporarily for a day. There are a variety of different types of classes. There are also various types of one-day classes that make rings. And today, I would like to introduce the one-day class of wax carving, experienced in Daejeon.

Wax Carving is the metal craft using hard wax, which is materially similar to candles, smooth and hard. We can make a jewelry model by cutting, trimming and filing it.

Most of the ways to take a one-day class usually begin by making inquiries through the workroom’s Kakao Talk channel. You can ask any question and fix a schedule for the class. In the case of the one-day class I experienced, a reservation was made through making a prefund of the deposit.

When you arrive at the workroom, you must wear a pinafore and a sleeve protector. It is an essential process because a lot of wax powder is generated in the process of carving hard wax. After wearing a pinafore and a sleeve protector, you can decide the shape or thickness of the ring that you want to make. Then, measure the size of the fingers of the wearer of the ring with a ring gauge, a ring size measuring tool, while the teacher cuts the hard wax.

After that, you can add a wax reamer (a tool that cuts and widens the inside of the hard wax) to the hard wax with a small hole to expand the size. When you use the wax reamer, the inside of the hard wax is cut and the size of the hole gradually increases, and you can put the hard wax in a ring tube. That checks the size of the ring you are making. Since the difference in the slope of the ring hole must be reduced, the front and rear parts of the ring must also be adjusted to the size of each one.

After adjusting the size, you should use a wax file to change the wax so that it make the specifications of the design that you want to make. If you file it to about 1 millimeter away from the line marked by the teacher, the teacher can help you, even if you make some mistakes. It was a great time for me to focus on myself while designing the shape of wax to make the ring I wanted. For the people who want some time to fully focus on their friends with similar interests, I would like to recommend a wax carving one-day class.

When the shape begins to look like a ring, you have to use the necessary tools to make the thickness of the ring you want. If the teacher marks the guidelines with a pen, you have to sharpen the wax with provided tools. You should grind up about 1 mm of space near the line. The tool, which grinds hard wax, is a drill machine that is operated by using your feet. The vibration is really heavy, so every time you grind it, hard wax powder splashes everywhere in the workroom. Unlike the wax file, which slowly rubs and grinds the wax, the other tools need to be used more carefully. Because the hard wax is ground as soon as it touches the tools.

After smoothly grinding the outer part of the ring into a wax file and making it round, if it is already in the shape of the ring design that you wanted, make sure it fits around your finger. If the circumference of the ring is small, the inside of the hard wax can be cut with a wax reamer and adjusted to fit the thickness of the finger.

The wax carving one-day class, which I experienced, had some big differences from the one-day classes that made rings by tapping the hammer that you might know. In the case of rings made through wax carving, it has the advantage of being able to obtain a larger amount of different shapes. I want to recommend a wax carving one-day class for those who might have an idea or design for a ring that they would like to make. And meet other people with similar ideas or interests.