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Campus News

Reading Mileage System

작성자HANBAT HERALD  조회수21,348 등록일2024-07-03

Reading Mileage System

By Cho Hyun-gyu Cub Reporter, Freshman of Mechanical Engineering 

For students who are determined to read but have difficulty behaving. Since 2010, the Reading Mileage System from the HBNU library has displayed figures about the number of books you read and the results of school activities to make students feel rewarded. From March 11, 2024, all HBNU students can participate.

● Reading Mileage System

This program is hosted by the HBNU library, to train creative talent to read books in various fields and create an environment for reading culture on campus. It is an event to thank students who are interested in the library and actively participating. The event is from March 11 to October 4, 2024. Every year, the top 20 people who sum mileage points will be individually noticed in October and awarded in November during the ‘Library Culture’ event. Those students will receive a presidential award and a scholarship worth a total of 3.15 million won.

● How to Stack Mileage

  1. When you borrow books, you will automatically accumulate 2 points per book. The maximum point is 200 points.

  2. If you upload a book report from the borrowed book, you can get 10 points.

  3. When you participate in education or events in library supervision, you can get 5–10 points.

  4. If you participate more than once in events, you will automatically earn 50 points. (Apply only once)

Caution of Participation

Borrowing Excessive books without discretion is excluded from earning points. Also, be careful because only books that have been returned within October 4 are accepted. The book review form can be downloaded in the Integrated Academic System. After writing a book review, you can submit it to the Integrated Academic System. A book review will be approved within 1-2 weeks. Refer to the picture below for details. 

HBNU library is not only a static place. Our library is a flexible place with various events and education. Beyond borrowing, reading books, and writing book reviews, students can also enjoy participating in events and educational programs. Let’s increase creativity together.