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On-Campus Foreign Language Test

작성자HANBAT HERALD  조회수21,382 등록일2024-07-03

On-Campus Foreign Language Test


 By Lee Ye-rim Reporter, Junior of Chinese


‘TOEIC, TOEIC Speaking, and OPIc.’ If you are looking for a job, you have probably heard of these tests at least once. But what exactly distinguishes these tests, and how do they assess your English proficiency?


TOEIC, short for Test Of English for International Communication, is designed for non-native English speakers to evaluate their communication skills in English. Recognized worldwidely, TOEIC helps evaluate your ability to communicate in English-speaking environments. The TOEIC exam comprises two sections: listening and reading, each with 100 questions, and it lasts around 2 hours.


On the other hand, the TOEIC Speaking test is one of the TOEIC exams. Unlike the regular TOEIC test, which uses the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) paper-based format, the TOEIC Speaking test uses Computer Based Test (CBT) format, where candidates record their spoken responses using a computer. TOEIC Speaking, while similar to OPIc as they are both speaking tests, differs in that TOEIC Speaking has set types of questions. Instead of focusing on chatting skills, it looks at how well you pronounce words, stress, grammar, vocabulary, and how smoothly you use English. Additionally, during the TOEIC Speaking test, you are allowed to take notes to aid your responses.


OPIc, or Oral Proficiency Interview-computer is a certified English-speaking test. Candidates record their answers on a computer and experts evaluate them. The test involves recording individual responses to questions using a computer, which is then transmitted to evaluation servers in the United States. Certified assessors evaluate these responses, and that process is considered reliable because it is conducted by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), the administering organization. OPIc tests how good you are at using English in real life situations. OPIc does not have predetermined question types. Instead, questions are randomly selected based on the test-taker’s background survey, requiring high adaptability and quick thinking. Thus, quick thinking and adaptability are key. OPIc is a popular choice for speaking tests, but keep in mind there is a limit on how many times you can retake it.


Currently, Hanbat National University (HBNU) conducts monthly online mock TOEIC tests, with sessions running for the 1st (16:00-18:00) and 2nd (19:00-21:00) with in person tests. As of March 2023, online mock TOEIC Speaking and OPIc programs have been added. These programs allow students to practice with tests closely resembling the real ones. Available to undergraduates and postgraduates on a first-come, first-served basis. These programs come with the added benefit that mock TOEIC scores are recognized for overseas exchange program applications. Registration for mock TOEIC tests is available on the International Exchange Office’s website, and it will not cost anything.


 If you have signed up for an on campus foreign language test, you will get a text three days before the test with all the details you need. However, be aware that the login page (https://entest.co.kr/hanbattest) might look a bit different from what we used to. You will need to use your student ID for both the ID and password.


These tests are important for job hunting, the cumulative costs of multiple registrations can be a burden. Fortunately, our university’s mock foreign language proficiency tests are free for students. Seize the opportunity to familiarize yourself with these tests and boost your confidence!