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Campus News

A Preview Course: Prepare Wisely for a Rainy Day!

작성자HANBAT HERALD  조회수4,897 등록일2023-02-20

A Preview Course: 

Prepare Wisely for a Rainy Day!

By Kim Hyun-ah Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Business Administration

Before signing up for classes, how wonderful it would be if we understood the professor’s lecture style and the level of the lecture? In this article, I will show you that all of this is possible through a ‘preview course.’

A preview course is a program that was launched in the second semester of 2017 at the HBNU Center for Teaching Learning, and has continued until now. It improves the problem that students have, only relying on pre-subscription syllabuses, by providing an overview of the lecture through a video. Therefore, it has the purpose of effectively providing subject information. The course registration method is as follows: After entering CyberHanbat, you can select the opening process and choose a preview course.

Preview courses run every semester. After the expansion of remote classes, due to COVID-19, the number of professors wishing to open a preview course is steadily increasing.

A professor who made a preview course said, “As students can accurately understand the characteristics of the subject, they can register for classes in a way that helps themselves.” , and also stated that “It is recommended that you register for a course after looking at the professor’s introduction.” 

Many students get information about classes from their seniors. If they watch a preview course before the start of the semester, they can get information about the class on their own. It could also help students who want to correct their semester courses after registering to get information.

What are the other advantages of this system, apart from getting information about a course? The professor who accepted the interview said, “Usually, classes held in the first week are orientation, consisting of a brief introduction to the subject and an introduction to the textbook. If a preview course becomes more active, the orientation in the first week can be replaced by a preview course. This would result in more efficient use of lecture time.”

Like this, the more students know and use this preview course in advance, the more beneficial it is to school life. “We will continue to make efforts to research and develop various programs to strengthen the competencies of professors and students.” said HBNU Center for Teaching Learning. “We hope for a lot of attention from students.” they added. If students’ interest grows, professors will also recognize the need for this preview course. It will lead to more participation from professors. This winter vacation, let’s use this preview course to prepare for the first semester of 2023!