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Campus News

Do You Know the Hanbat Smart Service?

작성자HANBAT HERALD  조회수1,539 등록일2022-07-04

 Do You Know the Hanbat Smart Service?

By Kim Min-joong Cub reporter, Junior of Mechanical Engineering

  Usually, people who use software or programs, such as Windows 10 or Matlab, have to pay for them. However, HBNU students can use a variety of programs, including the above examples, for free through Hanbat Smart Services. There are many students who do not know about these services yet. Since you are a student at HBNU, let’s take a look at the different Hanbat Smart services that you can enjoy.

You can find information about the Hanbat Smart service on the school website's life menu. In order to use these services, you have to get a certificate through an account at HBNU, which is created when students enroll. After authentication, you can use the School Wi-Fi, Office 365, Windows 10, and Matlab. Among them, Office 365 and Microsoft’s operating system, Windows 10, are widely used. However engineering students often give up installing Matlab due to the complexity, even though it is an essential coding program for them.  I recommend  these students to use a portal site, dedicated to Matlab HBNU. If you log in to the internet environment, you can easily use it, regardless of the time and place. Also, the engineering program, Ansys, which is not described on the homepage, can be used with the Hanbat account. 

If you use the Hanbat Smart service, you will be able to enjoy a smart school life by utilizing various programs that can help you achieve basic academic performance. If you are a student at HBNU, you can enjoy the advantages of these services.