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Forward Head Posture 이미지
Forward Head Posture
  • 조회수901
  • Forward Head PostureBy Park Ji-hyeon Cub Reporter, Senior of English Language and LiteratureNowadays, more and more people are using smartphones and computers. In addition, because of the coronavirus pandemic, most classes are being held online instead of face-to-face. So, many individuals engage in extensive use of computers, tablets, and phones. Individuals who maintain an awkward neck posture for prolonged periods of the time during these activities are susceptible to neck pain and muscle strains. What should we do to prevent this painful forward head posture? Lets explore this subject in more depth below.■ What is Forward Head Posture (FHP)?Forward head posture, sometimes called iHunch, Wearsie Neck, or Text Neck, refers to a posture where the head appears to be positioned in front of the body. Technically speaking, a forward head posture means that the skull is leaning forwards, more than an inch, over the atlas (which is the first vertebrae in your neck).■ Side Effects of Forward Head PostureForward head posture typically means theres an imbalance between the muscles supporting and moving your neck, back, shoulders, and head. Over time, this imbalance can cause the muscles in front of your neck to become weak while the muscles in the back of your neck become short, tight and strained. As the imbalance in the neck muscles continues, it is easy to feel tired, and symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and eye fatigue can also be seen. When left uncorrected, the problem continues getting worse. In other cases, forward head posture is a symptom of a more serious problem, like chronic neck pain or kyphosis. So, if you have symptoms, you should see a doctor.■ How to Know If You Have Forward Head Posture?☑ Your shoulders and neck are often stiff.☑ When seen from the side, your head appears to be positioned in front of the shoulders.☑ Your back is bent.☑ You are easily tired and have headaches and dizziness.☑ You have a tired and uncomfortable feeling in the back of your neck.■ Great Forward Head Posture Exercises- Exercise 11. Place 2 fingers at the bottom of your chin.2. Gently tuck your chin in and gently push your head backwards. At the same time, use your fingers to keep the chin tucked in the entire time.3. Hold the end position for 3 to 5 seconds.4. Relax your neck for a moment.5. Aim for 2 to 3 sets of 10 repetitions.-Exercise 21. Start either in a standing or seated position.2. Place one of your hands on the opposite side of your head.3. Now bring the head down towards your shoulder.4. Use the hand overhead to press your neck down to get a deeper stretch (not too hard).5. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and do 2 to 3 sets.■ How to Fix Forward Head Posture1. Position your computer screen 18 to 24 inches from your head (about an arms length), with the top of the monitor at eye level so you dont constantly look down to see your screen content.2. Perform posture breaks for 30 seconds every hour of your workday.3. Choose a sleeping pillow that supports the natural curve of your neck.4. Choose a backpack proportional to your body. Take some time to remove unneeded items so you arent carrying unnecessary weight. It is recommended that the weight of the bag does not exceed 10 percent of your weight.The most important thing is to prevent forward head posture through healthy living habits. Start forward head posture exercises from today because they will relieve your tense neck muscles and let you have healthier days.
  • 등록일2021-01-16 14:42:19
OPAL: A New Trend
  • 조회수725
  • OPAL: A New TrendBy Yoon Ji-yeon Reporter, Sophomore of Electrical EngineeringHave you ever heard the words MIGHTY MICE? It might be an unfamiliar expression to many people because it is an expression that was made in 2020. Every new year, Seoul National Universitys Research Institution of Human Ecology predicts the new consumption trends of the year, and makes a keyword that includes all of them. MIGHTY MICE was made as the keyword for 2020. Each letter in MIGHTY MICE has a meaning, these include Immediate Satisfaction: Last Fit Economy, Goodness and Fairness, Here and Now: the Streaming Life, Technology of Hyper-personalization, Youre with Us Fansumer, Iridescent OPAL, Convenience as a Premium, etc. For more specific keywords, check the picture on the left. Among these many trends, this article will specially talk about OPAL.What is OPAL?OPAL means the 5060 generation, which refers to new middle-aged people. With the extension of life expectancy, the socially accepted life cycle has changed. Also, a new class of middle-aged people was made. This generation makes up a large portion of the Korean population. Also, in terms of economy and society, the new middle-aged people are now the main customers, unlike the past when people of this age were considered elderly people and showed a small presence as customers.The name OPAL has three origins. First, it is an abbreviation of Old People with an Active Life. Second, it is from the Korean pronunciation of 58 years which is the typical baby boomer of the 5060 generation. Lastly, it comes from opal which is a kind of jewel. This means that the OPAL generations actions resemble an opals iridescence, which contains every color.OPAL has also received much attention beyond Korea. The UKs weekly news magazine The Economist noted that this generation has reached their prime and their choices will make big changes in consumer goods, service, and financial markets.So, why are they receiving so much attention? Lets find the reason with some keywords.TrendyThe biggest difference between the previous generation of elderly people and OPAL is that in the past elderly people showed a low smartphone utilization rate. On the other hand, OPAL use smartphones skillfully. The OPALs internet utilization rate is not so different from that of the 2030 generation. According to the 2018 Internet Usage Survey by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Korea Internet Promotion Agency, 97.7% of people in their 50s and 86.3% of people in their 60s use the Internet through smartphones.Smartphone users over the age of 50 choose YouTube as the most popular application, just like the other generations. Also, people in the 50s account for 20.9% of mobile payment users. Their trendy behaviors influence the consumer market, too. The information that they get from media, like YouTube, is directly connected to mobile shopping, and they are growing as the new main consumers in the mobile shopping market.Consumption for ThemselvesOne of the biggest features of OPAL is that they have enough accumulated assets and leisure time after retirement. Now, they can finally spend their money and time for themselves.This feature greatly affected the K-Trot wave. Trot music was mainly popular for the older generation, and it couldnt get a big spotlight with every generation. However, a Trot contest program showed high ratings and popularity, based on the active response of the OPAL generation. After the end of this program, the OPAL generation continued supporting Trot singers. The OPAL generation streamed this music online, cheered passionately at concerts, and this drew big attention. With this positive response from the OPAL generation, some TV programs related to Trot were produced, and Trot is now becoming familiar to the 2030 generation, too.When young people think of the 5060 generation, we usually think of old people gradually falling behind the times. However, that idea is becoming just a stereotype. Now, the OPAL generation is shaping the hot trends of consumer and economic markets. Also, the OPAL generations passion to pursue their true dreams after retirement, not just to maintain a simple livelihood, is a good example for todays 2030 generation.We should break away from the conventional stereotypes, and recognize that people our parents age can adapt to new trends. If we can look at these changes positively and associate them with our own futures, well know that we can prepare for a better future of our own choice.
  • 등록일2020-10-05 15:46:10
I Can’t Believe You’re Dead: The Werther Effect 이미지
I Can’t Believe You’re Dead: The Werther Effect
  • 조회수673
  • I Cant Believe Youre Dead: The Werther EffectKim Hyeong-jin Reporter, Senior of EconomicsThis year, many celebrities passed away by accident or suicide. The press reported their deaths and the public mourned. When a celebrity dies, some people cant believe their favorite celebrity is gone and they may visit the grave out of grief. Some fans even commit suicide, because they equate their life with the deceased celebritys life. This phenomenon is known as the Werther effect.The Werther effect is a copycat suicide seen when celebrities die under various circumstances. This effect increases when a celebrity suicides, especially if a person can identify with the celebritys life more than their own dark life. The origin of the Werther effect began with the novel Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. After the novel was published, many young readers suicided like the character Werther, who shot himself for failure with Rotte. This effect is also referred to as suicide contagion.American suicide researcher, David Philips, first used the phrase the Werther effect to explain the pattern of increasing suicides after a celebritys death. The Werther effect contains three parts. First, after a celebrity suicide, people learn of the news when it is broadcast by many news stations and in papers. Then, fans are in deep sorrow from the fact, because if they identify with the celebrity the death amplifies their melancholy. As they identify more and more with the celebritys life, feeling, environment, etc., they commit suicide because they want to become like the celebrity.The cause of the Werther effect is not learning the news of a celebrity death or suicide, but rather it is because the person has melancholy or depression to begin with. The Werther effect suicides are inherent in melancholia or depression in the mind. Their mind feels like committing suicide because the sad news amplifies their melancholy. Therefore, the news is only responsible for the Werther suicide because it can spark an effect.To reduce suicide rates, the media has to broadcast anti-suicide campaigns. Anti-suicide campaigns have been shown to decrease suicide rates by 15 percent statistically when they are consistently broadcast. For example, the Werther effect does not happen in areas that are served by MTV because they consistently tell the audience, Dont commit suicide during the news of a celebrity death. Specifically, in 1994, after the suicide of Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain, MTV focused on anti-suicide messaging to support fans and prevent copycat suicides.The melancholiac patients have to improve their mind. They must have composure regardless of what the news says. Psychologists advise that those who are affected by depression be counseled by mental health experts. They say patients should try counseling to improve their mind positively. If they do not get counseling, they may push themselves toward death.Jang Guk-youngJang Guk-young was one of the most famous actors in Hong Kong movies. In April 2003, he suicided by jumping off the 24th floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Many press reported that he was in the doldrums and was stressed by the attention that surrounded him. Nine hours after he commited suicide, six women suicided by jumping because of his death.Choi Jin-silChoi Jin-sil lived a successful life as an actress. However, she suffered from a scandal regarding her divorce from Jo Sung-min. After struggling with the rumors, she committed suicide by hanging herself. After her suicide, her brother Choi Jin-young and her ex-husband Jo Sung-min also killed themselves. This is an example of how somebodys death affects their acquaintances, like family or friends. In other words, the Werther effect is correlated with closeness.After her death, the press reported the suicide incidence increased. According to the statistics, the overall incidences of suicide doubly increased and the rate of death by hanging tripled. This example shows how copycat suicides can be seen to follow the celebritys suicide method.Recently, many celebrities have passed away from suicide. Although mourning the dead and comforting people who were related to the death is understandable, it is unjust to follow the death with your own. If you suffer from depression or melancholia, you must not push your life toward the dark, but must change your life positively.
  • 등록일2020-10-05 15:27:10
Let’s Learn About Skateboards 이미지
Let’s Learn About Skateboards
  • 조회수631
  • Lets Learn About SkateboardsBy Park Ji-hyeon Cub Reporter, senior of English Language and LiteratureIf you go to a park, you may see many skateboarders. Also, skateboard clubs and classes are increasing as more and more people want to learn how to ride a skateboard. You can watch numerous videos on SNS featuring people dancing on the board or performing tricks on the board. These days, board videos are popular on SNS because so many people enjoy them. In fact, skateboarding was even added as a new event for the Tokyo Olympics to attract younger viewers.HistoryA skateboard is a type of sports equipment made of a board with 2-pairs of wheels attached to the underside. The sport started in California in the 1950s as surfers in California wanted to enjoy the feeling of surfboarding even on days without waves, so they attached roller skates wheels to a smaller surfboard.PartsThe board consists mainly of a deck, wheels, and trucks.-Deck: The deck was originally a wide wooden board on which feet are placed when riding a skateboard. Some modern cruise skateboard decks are made of plastic. Each type of board has a different deck shape.-Wheels: These are usually made of polyurethane, and come in many different sizes and shapes to suit different types of skating.-Trucks: Two metal trucks connect the wheels to the deck.Types of skateboardsTypes of boards include the skateboard, longboard, and cruiser skateboard. They are usually distinguished according to the size and shape of the deck.-Skateboard: In general, the front part of the skateboard is slightly higher and longer than the back. It is the most basic form of the board. And, it is the slowest of the boards because it uses a hard and small wheel. However, the skateboard is designed to enjoy a variety of tricks rather than speed.-Longboard: It is a board with a longer deck. They have the most various shapes and sizes of deck. The long and wide deck allows smooth skating so you can enjoy doing tricks like dancing.-Cruiser Skateboard: Unlike other types of boards, it is small and aimed at skating on the streets. As it is for skating, with soft wheels, it is light and easy to carry.Tricks-SkateboardOllie: The Ollie is the first trick that most people learn when they start skateboarding. It is essential for everything that follows. As it is a combination of stomping the tail of the skateboard off of the ground, you need to get the board mostly vertical, jumping, and sliding the front foot forward to level out the skateboard at the peak of the jump.Powerslide: A powerslide is the coolest and fastest way to stop on a skateboard. It is executed when you are skating along, and spin your board to the side and skid to a stop.-LongboardDancing: It is stepping and turning on the deck as it rolls so that it looks like dancing.Downhill: This is when skaters literally go down a slope. The speed can be so fast that skaters can reach more than 100 km per hour.-Cruiser SkateboardKickflip:A kickflip is a cool skateboarding trick which is basically a variation on the ollie. In a kickflip, you jump vertically, then use your front foot to flick the board so that it spins in the air before you land.Eun Ju-won and Choi Yu-jin, who are Korean skateboarders, will participate in the Tokyo Olympics. Now that you know about skateboards, you will have another fun event to watch at the Tokyo Olympics.
  • 등록일2020-10-05 15:20:58
How to Overcome Aging 이미지
How to Overcome Aging
  • 작성자남궁혜진 기자
  • 조회수1046
  • How to Overcome AgingBy Lee Woo-seung Cub Reporter, Junior of Mechanical EngineeringEveryone knows that health is very important in our lives. However, many people overlook the importance of health until they lose it. Today, the average person lives to be much older than those who lived decades ago. This may sound like very good news, but the time to live with disease has increased as well. Recently, scientists have been trying to shift their focus from "Life span" extension to "Health span" extension. This means that we can increase our time on earth while being free from disease. To do this, scientists have put a lot of effort into finding the root cause of conditions that have a negative effect on our health. As a result, over the past few years, research on aging has made tremendous advances to the point where clinical trials are possible in the near future.SENESCENT CELLSThere are three issues that would be good for you to know about aging, the first is "senescent cells." Every cell has an expiration date. Cells copy chromosomes when they divide. Because of the way this works, they lose a tiny bit of DNA at the ends. This could be catastrophic, so to protect against this we have long segments of DNA called telomeres. However, this also shrinks with cell division. In some cells, after a number of divisions, the telomeres are gone and they are unable to function properly. These cells are what we call senescent cells. Senescent cells stay around and dont die. The older you get, the more of them are inside you. The problem here is that senescent cells damage surrounding tissue and cause various diseases, resulting in aging. Is there any way we can get rid of these senescent cells? Scientists have applied genetic modifications to mice that can kill aging cells on their own. Older mice without senescent cells were more active. Their hearts and kidneys worked better, and they were less prone to cancer. While most cells are designed to kill themselves when they are heavily damaged, senescent cells are not. This is because proteins in the cells command suicide, but senescent cells do not produce enough protein. In a late 2016 study, protein was injected into mice. The injection killed 80% of the senescent cells and the mice became very healthy. As a result, there are a number of new companies looking at treatments involving senescent cells.STEM CELLSThe second is the "stem cell. Stem cells are everywhere in the body and replicate to supply new cells. Stem cells are needed for an embryo that is not yet fully grown to develop properly. However, they are also necessary for the adult body to supplement new cells. In a stem cell experiment, scientists took the stem cells from a young mouse and gave them to an old mouse. As a result, the new stem cells injected into the old mouse helped the metabolism, causing the old mouse to find vitality. In another study, embryonic cells were injected directly into the heart of an old mouse. As a result, this mouse lived longer than ever before, and hair in missing areas grew anew.NADCells are made of hundreds of millions of parts. All these parts constantly need to be destroyed, cleaned up, and rebuilt. However, as we get older, the efficiency of these processes decreases and eventually do not meet the production our bodies need. One of these parts is NAD, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidea, a coenzyme that plays a role in maintaining the metabolism. At age 50, we only have about half as much NAD in our bodies as we did at age 20. Decrease in NAD causes various diseases. But, NAD cant enter cells so we cant get it as a pill. Scientists noticed that other more flexible substances could enter cells and would then turn into NAD inside. In 2016, multiple trials on mice showed that they boosted the multiplication of skin, brain, and muscle stem cells. Therefore, scientists expect that NAD will serve as the first real age resistor for humans.WHAT SHOULD WE DO?As described, there are various ways to prevent aging. Killing senescent cells, using stem cells to fill the void, and controlling the metabolism of healthy cells using drugs are some of the ways scientists are researching. However, one of the biggest problems is that so far it's only been applied to mice. There is no guarantee that any of these experiments will have the same effect on humans. What this shows is that we should not expect a breakthrough any time soon, so we should continue to work to ensure successful aging.
  • 등록일2020-03-20 18:34:31
Healthy Bacteria
  • 작성자남궁혜진 기자
  • 조회수903
  • Healthy BacteriaBy Jeong Hyo-bin Cub Reporter, sophomore of Chemical and Biological EngineeringRecently, much research on the intestinal microflora that has a big effect on the immune system as well as intestinal health has been published. As interest in intestinal microbial bacteria grows, related products continue to come out. Let's find out which of the many lactobacillus products to choose.lFirst generation lactobacillusThere are fermented foods, like yogurt lactobacillus.Related products : Yogurt, Yoplait, etc.Representative germ : Lactobacillus delbrue-ckii subsp. BulgaricusEffect : intestinal regulation, constipation prevention, etc.lSecond generation lactobacillusThere are products that increase the number of lactobacillus.Related products : bulgasisRepresentative germ : Lactobacillus acidophilusEffect : constipation relieflThird generation lactobacillusIt is an individual lactobacillus that has a useful effect on the human body.Related products : LACTO-FIT, GQlab, etc.Representative germ : Lactobacillus plantarumEffect : differs from fungus to fungusLactobacilli have different efficacy from fungus to fungus. The table below shows the various lactobacilli. The best way to choose a lactobacillus bacteria is to look for which one will have the correct effect on your health.How can we choose a good lactobacillus product?1. CATCH the Korean characteristic!There are lots of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in Korean intestines. Therefore, it is recommended that you choose a product that can cause more of the same intestinal germs by eating a product that contains a lot of familiar bacterial strains.2. CHECK the amount of lactobacillus!There are products that show the number of beneficial bacteria or lactobacillus. Beneficial bacteria are various useful fungi, including lactobacillus. Therefore, it is important to select a product that has a large amount of lactobacillus, not just a product that has a large number of beneficial bacteria.3. CHECK Myself!Synbiotics contain not only lactobacillus for us, but also feed the lactobacillus that reside in our intestines, which makes the environment of our intestines more comfortable. Therefore, in the case of immunosuppressive patients or people with diabetes, the product should be selected through expert consultation.Determine what effect you need, what your condition is, and choose the right lactobacillus. If you do so, not only will your intestinal health improve, but your overall health and immune system will also. There are many kinds of Lactobacilli that have many difficult names, but with a short amount of time and attention, you can find the synbiotic product that you need. Let's get healthy with close attention!
  • 등록일2020-03-20 18:32:15
Big 4 Musicals 이미지
Big 4 Musicals
  • 작성자남궁혜진 기자
  • 조회수21
  • Big 4 MusicalsBy Park Ji-hyeon Reporter, Junior of English Language and LiteratureIn the early 2000s, the Korean musical stage began to change. This is because the copyright and production system of overseas musicals were brought into Korea, recreated, and performed. The iconic British musical Phantom of the Opera was performed in Seoul for about seven months and attracted hundreds of thousands of people. This led to a musical fever in Korea. Lets learn about the Big 4, the most famous musicals in the world.CatsCats shows the cats feast against the background of a Jellicle Ball to go to heaven. T.S Eliots poetry inspired the plays festival of Jellicle Cats, which is held once a year. The biggest feature of Cats is that 30 actors are dressed up as cats while singing and dancing. This musical captivated audiences with its brilliant dances and music. So far, it has been translated into more than 20 languages in 30 countries around the world.Les MisrablesThe musical Les Misrables was first performed in London in 1985, based on Victor Hugos novel Les Misrables. Les Misrables is about the life of Jean Valjean, a young man who had been convicted for 19 years for stealing bread. It was designed to show the revolutionary spirit of the Napoleonic times and the humanity of the poor. The musical Les Misrables has been the longest-running London musical since 1985. So far, it has been performed in 21 languages in 42 countries around the world.The Phantom of the OperaThe Phantom of the Opera is also based on a French novel. This is a sad love story about a gentleman who has a celestial voice but is covered in a mask by his ugly appearance and his love for the beautiful Christine. The Phantom of the Opera was first performed in London in 1986 and has been watched by more than 130,000,000 people so far. It has been performed in 21 languages in 42 countries around the world. It is considered a musical masterpiece with the longest-running performances on Broadway.Miss SaigonThe musical Miss Saigon is a relatively recent musical compared to the previous ones. It was created as a motif of Giacomo Puccini's Madama Butterfly and a photograph that spread immediately after the Vietnam War. This is the story of a Vietnamese woman who raised her children and dreamed of seeing the U.S. pilot she was engaged to during the Vietnam War. It was loved for its music, 3D technology, helicopters and other stage devices that perfectly reproduced the drama.Why are these four musicals called the Big 4? These four musicals have something in common. They premiered in London in the 1980s, and then progressed to Broadway and spread around the world. Broadway, the home of musicals, has been in a long recession since the 1960s. At that time, Cameron Mackintosh created a series of musicals that were much like a Hollywood movie. Musicals from Broadway and the West End of London were exported to Asia, Europe, and South America in the form of touring performances with Mackintoshs global marketing. The Big 4 musicals came out around this time. In the 1980s, western media crowned these musicals as The Big 4, that promoted the globalization of musicals. These four works are distinctly different from traditional Broadway musicals. They created stories with a universal theme that transcended time and space, and the music was arranged with an exquisite mix of pop and classical music. The most obvious change was a huge scene that utilized cutting-edge technology in Phantom of the Opera in which the chandelier dropped over the audiences head, and a realistic helicopter that hovered on stage in Miss Saigon. The Big 4 musicals were enjoyed by all people of ages, regardless of country.Recently, various musicals, such as Jekyll rables, The Phantom of the Opera and Cats, which are still running extraordinarily successfully around the world.
  • 등록일2020-03-20 18:10:55