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Department of Convergence Management VISION
  • Vision : Department of Convergence Management, cultivating the best leaders with interdisciplinary expertise and creativity in Korea
  • Mission : Nurture glocal smart leaders with interdisciplinary expertise, creativity, and professional capabilities to lead the 4th Industrial Revolution
  • Goals : Glocal Leaders - Foster glocal leaders with an enterprising spirit and critical thinking skills, based on a deep understanding of the global community and local industries / Leaders with Professional Expertise - Nurture leaders with professional expertise in business administration and strong communication skills / Smart Business Leaders - Nurture leaders with big data and smart management capabilities to prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution / Multitalented leader - Cultivate leaders with the industry understanding and interdisciplinary expertise and capabilities in the management of technology required in a convergence society / Creative Leaders - Develop leaders who are creative problem solvers who display excellent teamwork