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미래가치를 창출하는 글로컬 산학일체 혁신대학

Educational Message


  • Sincerity
  • Harmony
  • Creativity


Based on sincerity, harmony, and creativity, Hanbat National University aims to research and teach the theory and application of profound disciplines, and thereby nurture talent who will lead the future in cooperation between industries and academia, and contribute to the development and prosperity of the nation and humanity.


HBNU aims to produce glocal leaders with strong foundations based on the following values :

  • Professionals with integrity and ethical values who communicate and work together for the growth of the community
  • Creative professionals who produce new values for the future society based on practical professional knowledge and convergence-oriented thinking
  • Professionals with a global attitude who move towards the future and enjoy challenges


This is an image of Hanbat University's Ideal. Details are at the bottom.